The editors recommend

What if there is no JS framework

Noam Rosenthal is a WEB platform consultant, WebKit & Chromium contributor, technical writer, and an experienced WEB developer. In his article, he gives an overview of the common technical features among React, Lit, Solidjs, and Svelte, and explains how different frameworks implement them.

Defensive design and development

Defensive programming is a form of Defensive design designed to ensure that unpredictable uses of the program will not cause functional damage. It can be seen as an idea to reduce or eliminate the effect of Murphy’s Law.” The author offers many practical suggestions in his article.

Deep reading

How to build H5/ small program multi terminal mall low code platform

A Low Code platform building tutorial, both on the architecture design discussion and thinking, and specific functions of the coding implementation.

WebSocket foundation and Application series (2) — Engine.IO principle understanding

Engine.IO is an abstract implementation of socket. IO, as the data transfer layer between the server and browser of socket. IO, this paper introduces the installation and use of Engine.

Foreign language recommended

Interop 2022: browsers working together to improve the web for developers

Interop 2022 will improve the experience of developing for the web in 15 key areas. In this article, find out how we got here, what the project focuses on, how success will be measured, and how you can track progress.

Monorepos are changing how teams build software

Monorepos empower software teams to be more collaborative and productive with improved transparency, discoverability, code sharing, and standardization. But colocation of code doesn’t solve every problem.

Practical application

Recoil implementation principle brief analysis – asynchronous request

Recoil’s underlying data flow implementation, similar to Redux, manages data through a globally centralized state. However, unlike Redux, the state management and component library binding are not separated. Instead, the state management and React are deeply bound. The main reason is that a lot of recoil’s work is on how to handle state-to-component mapping, concurrent mode adaptation, etc., providing hook apis for reading and writing data.

How to make debugging Vue and React code easier

How to debug Vue and React projects with VSCode?

10 JS tips to learn about the 2022 front end

This article summarizes some JavaScript writing tips, including: Using?? Instead of | |; Use? . Simplified && and ternary operators, etc.

Use three. js to achieve magical 3D text suspension effect

Hand in hand to achieve a 3D text suspension effect, the content is very detailed, including: how to create a text model, how to achieve 3D animation with mouse events, etc..