Technical project

  1. SpringBoot2.4.7 technology stack
  2. MybatisPlus3.4. X ORM framework
  3. Mysql8.0 database
  4. IDEA 2021 development tool
  5. Mac pro computer
  6. Redis cache
  7. Thymeleaf template engine

The project architecture

  1. We intend to use the most popular architectural pattern, front and back end separation, using RESTful API specification style JSON API front and back end communication
  2. Use the JWT authentication login specification
  3. Use the Swagger API as an API document
  4. Use SpringBoot’s RestTemplate for the request

The project module

  1. Interface project blog- API
  2. Blog management background blog-admin
  3. Blog Project Blog

Team management

  1. Use Git for version management
  2. Use Github as open source

UI design

  1. bootstrap5
  2. Online template

Ps because of my design, page writing is not strong, although I have done a period of front-end,

The project plan

Will continue to update until the end, and then open the source code to GitHub for those who need to practice