For the little white who wanted to have a website of his own but had no capital cost.


Although it is a website, for individuals, it may be generally called a blog. But I don’t want it to be just a blog. I want it to be a place outside of my real life where I can be free, experiment, and do things without fear of being judged by others.

Of course, this is essentially a beginner’s tutorial, maybe a little popular science feeling. I’ll give you an overview of the process of building a website and the techniques and steps involved (I’ll leave it at that if it’s too much anecdotal) and give you an idea of how it works. But I won’t go into details like how to sign up for an account or click next when you install. I hope after reading this article, before this knowledge of the little white, to the end can also build a site belonging to their own. (The prerequisite is to know basic English words and use search engines well)

Those who already have the foundation can skip or close.

Most of the comments are related supplementary notes, which have no impact on the normal process. If you are not interested, you can skip them.

All questions related to this article can be commented on GitHub Issues of this article, and other questions can be commented on the corresponding project or article.

I will try to keep up to date with the techniques and practices used in this article and will be open to errata.


  • Hexo
  • Static blog
  • There is no server
  • GitHub Pages
  • Hexo-theme-yun (Private)


Installation Node. Js

What is Node.js? It starts with what is JS, which is JavaScript. Yes, JavaScript is the Pangu of the web. JavaScript is a programming language, and almost all the interaction and logical processing we see on web pages is done by JavaScript. JavaScript syntax is simple, easy to learn and use. (Of course, please do not underestimate it, although it is a low threshold, but the ceiling is also high. Including but not limited to the implementation of website front and back, mobile desktop applications, machine learning, computer graphics, etc.) Before Node.js, JavaScript ran on the browser side. In other words, it’s a fish and the browser is a tank full of water. In 2008, Chrome V8 was born. In 2009, Node.js was born. It became GitHub’s best-known early open source project. GitHub may be familiar to you, but I’ll talk about it later. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment based on Chrome V8 engine. (I was stunned when I first saw it.) As I understand it, JavaScript is the fish, Chrome V8 is the pump, and Node.js installs that pump on your computer. So your computer now has Node.js, a browser-like tank in which you can run JavaScript! Of course, node.js and the browser side are slightly different due to their own positioning and some historical reasons, and will no longer be expanded. Node. Js | baidu encyclopedia JavaScript | MDN

Download | Node. Js

It is recommended to download the long term support version rather than the current release (because if it is the latest version, it is prone to some wonderful bugs).

All are installed next by default.

Windows opens the command prompt, macOS opens the terminal. (= =, this will not please Baidu.) Close the TAB in the upper right corner for Linux users.

If the following commands are mentioned, the default is to open the terminal for input.

Type node –version. If you get the same version as the one you just installed, then Node.js has been successfully installed.

Git and making

Install Git

Visual Studio Code, VS Code for short. The most powerful editor yet, lightweight and fast. Note: This is not VS as we usually hear it. VS is Visual Studio, which is a powerful IDE (integrated Development Environment) and an order of magnitude larger than VS Code.

Before you do that, I recommend you install VS Code. Because when you install Git Bash, you can set VS Code as the default editor.

Git is an open source distributed version control system developed by Linus Torvalds (also the author of Linux) to manage Linux development. In short, it is a version management tool. For example, when the designer designs the third version of the poster and the client says he wants the first version, he can quickly go back to the original version through Git. Instead of having to save a zip file for each version, you just need to tell Git the status of each change (which Is automatically detected by Git and you only need to master a few basic commands), which is both convenient and space-saving. (Of course, this only works with code text, because Git’s nature is to keep track of lines of code adding and subtracting, which doesn’t work with binaries like videos and posters. There is also Git LFS for this scenario.

Download Git and install it.

MacOS users can download the installation package from the official website or install Xcode directly from the App Store (Git will be installed with it, but it will be large).

A similar tool is SVN. But Git is always recommended because it is more powerful and has a more powerful ecosystem behind it: GitHub.

Registered making

GitHub has its roots in Git. Git Git Git Git Git Git A Hub is a Hub. For example, a USB Hub is a USB Hub. So GitHub is the bucket center (fog). GitHub is the largest open source project and code hosting platform in the world, and also a place for many developers to communicate. It’s also the largest gay dating site in the world. The code hosting itself uses the aforementioned Git technology.

Set up a GitHub account. (Although they are all in English, there is no need to be afraid and there is no obstacle to use them. Just remember the meanings of the most commonly used options and make good use of the translation software at hand.)

Note: the English username at the time of registration becomes the free domain name prefix you can use.

Log on to making.

Why GitHub? For non-gamers, when they first try to build their own website, they may not have the extra money or the commitment to buy their own server and domain name. GitHub offers GitHub Pages. Users can use this service to deploy their own static sites.

Click + -> New Repository in the upper right corner to create a New repository.

Because I have the same name warehouse here, so the prompt is repeated.

The repository name must be your username. Github. IO. (Because you’ll find it troublesome to switch case frequently)

Why must this be the name of the warehouse? GitHub Pages is the naming convention for the GitHub Pages service, which will also become your domain name. Of course, you can also buy your own domain name and use it to provide content.

Click Create Repository.

Install Hexo


  • GitHub:
  • Official documentation (direct reference documentation is also a good choice)

Why use Hexo? Hexo is a fast, concise and powerful blogging framework based on Node.js, also hosted on GitHub. There are many plug-in themes in the ecology. You can quickly generate static pages based on it. You can use other people’s themes and plugins, or you can customize the features you want. Why not… ? Other commonly used blogging frameworks include WordPress, Typecho, etc., but these often require the purchase of their own servers and cannot be statically deployed on GitHub Pages. (Of course, there’s a lot more functionality and flexibility.) Static website generators also include Vuepress, Gatsby and so on. These are mostly tailored for documentation, and you can use them, but they have far fewer plugins and themes and solutions for blogging than Hexo’s blog positioning. Hugo offers almost the same functionality as Hexo, but it’s based on the GO language. If you want to customize your website in the future, even with Hugo, you still need tO use JavaScrip to write front-end interactions, so choosing javascript-based Hexo can reduce the learning cost. (If you’re interested in GO, you can still try Hugo, but this tutorial will not focus on Hugo.) So for starters, Hexo is a good starting point. (Of course, if you can afford to rent a server, consider WordPress.)

Enter the following command in the terminal:

# sudo NPM install hexo-cli -g # sudo NPM install hexo-cli -gCopy the code

NPM is a package management tool that comes with Node.js, which you can think of as the app store that comes with Node.js. Install. Hexo cli is a terminal tool for Hexo that helps you generate template files for later use. -g indicates global installation. That is, it can be used anywhere, otherwise it can only be used in the installation directory.

At this point, use the CD to access the directory where you want to store the site code on your local computer. (or right click Git Bash Here)

CD | DOS command CD (LINUXSHELL command)

Such as:

Note: this is your custom directory, please do not copy and paste

The text after the #' #' character represents a comment. You do not need to type # Windows CD C:\Users\YunYou\Documents\GitHub\ # macOS # CD /Users/ YunYou/GitHub /Copy the code

Next type:

Hexo init Your name.github. IOCopy the code

Hexo because we installed the hexo-CLI package, we can use the hexo command in the terminal. Init Initializes the blog template file. Behind is the folder you want to create, and you had better create the same warehouse name.

Github. IO # Default install all packages mentioned in 'package.json' files NPM install # You can also abbreviate hexo s hexo ServerCopy the code

Server means to start the local Hexo server, so you can open your browser and type localhost:4000 in the address bar to see the local web page.

Press Ctrl + C to run the terminal server.

At this point, the basic template page is set up.

Use the Hexo theme

Hexo provides the hexo-theme-landscape theme by default. The default theme style is simple and has few features. So most people don’t use the default theme.

Here is an example of how to use a theme I developed myself, hexo-theme-yun (_(:з “Angle)_ with-star). You can go to Yunyoujun’s station to see a sample effect.

Of course, you can also in Themes | Hexo beautiful theme found more interesting. The method of use is much the same. When you have some development capability, you can either develop your own theme, or submit PR for hexo-theme-yun to add any features you want.

Download the Hexo theme

Go to the terminal (make sure the directory is in the Hexo directory you initialized with Hexo) and type the following command.

You can actually use terminals directly in VS Code.

git clone themes/yunCopy the code

Git clone is my theme (hosted on GitHub, where the link is located). Themes /yun means to put them in the Themes /yun folder under your Hexo folder (no such folder will be automatically created).

Edit the Hexo configuration

Right-click on the folder and use VS Code to open it, or go to VS Code to open the folder where you store your site. All subsequent operations will assume that you are already in the working directory.

There will be a _config.yml file in the directory of the files you initialized with Hexo.

Yml is a suffix for the YAML file, which is short for “YAML Ain’t a Markup Language” (YAML isn’t a Markup Language), but it’s actually a Markup Language. You can think of it as a text format for storing data, which is what it was created for. If you’ve heard of JSON, you’ll have a better idea of what it does.

It is Hexo configuration file, about the meaning of the various configuration options you can view the configuration | Hexo.

Find the theme field in _config.yml and change landscape to yun.

theme: yunCopy the code

Pug is a templating engine that can render as HTML strings. There are also EJS, SWIG, etc., with different syntax and design concepts. Stylus is a CSS preprocessor that can be rendered as CSS. SCSS and LESS are similar, but the syntax and design concept are different.

Since my theme uses puG and Stylus, while Hexo typically comes with EJS and Stylus, you may also need to install the renderer by typing the following command.

npm install hexo-render-pug hexo-renderer-stylusCopy the code

Restart the server as before with Hexo Server and you will see a different themed page.

Custom topic configuration

When started, the default configuration for the theme is used. But that’s not necessarily what you want. So you can customize the theme a little bit.

The configuration files for themes are placed in the themes/yun/_config.yml file. Wait, you’d better not change the theme’s default configuration directly. What if the theme is updated later? Do you need to reconfigure it?

The best solution is to create source/_data/yun.yml in the blog root directory (not the subject directory). (If the source/_data directory does not exist, create one.)

This topic merges the custom configuration with the default configuration, so you only need to customize the configuration you need in the yun.yml file, and the default configuration will be used automatically for the rest.

For example, we need to change our avatar. Fill in in yun.yml.

You can create an images folder under the Source folder to store your images. You can also use to upload your image files and get online links.

Avatar.jpg # Opacity: opacity: 1Copy the code

Change the theme color, such as black, whose hexadecimal color code is #000000.

  primary: "#000000"Copy the code

At this point your theme tone will change to black.

This is just a simple example of a configuration item. For more configuration you can refer to my theme documentation or directly to theme/yun/_config.yml and configure it according to your needs.

Generating static files

So far our work has been done locally, and you might want to share it with your friends online. This brings us to GitHub Pages, which only support static files.

So we need to generate a static file for the site first using the following command.

If multiple builds are made, it is better to use Hexo Clean to avoid error caching. Hexo generate # short for Hexo GCopy the code

The public folder will appear under your folder directory, which contains the static files for your site.

Establish associations with remote repositories

Next, we’ll associate the local repository with the repository we created on GitHub.

Git init # Initialize git repository onceCopy the code

Before deploying it to GitHub Pages, it’s a good idea to set up a branch.

What is a branch? Git provides version management capabilities, as well as a branching capability that you can now simply think of as parallel worlds.

Github Pages will be deployed using your master branch as a static file by default after your name.github. So we’d better create a new Hexo branch (whatever the name is) to store the Hexo source code, and the Master branch to store the static files after deployment.

git checkout -b hexoCopy the code

At this point, a hexo branch is successfully established. (All subsequent work will be done under the Hexo branch)

You can use git branch -v to check which branches are available, and use the git branch name to switch to the corresponding branch.

Git Learning Notes

The deployment of

For easy deployment to GitHub Pages, Hexo provides the hexo-deployer-git plug-in.

Same old rule, installation.

npm install hexo-deployer-gitCopy the code

In _config.yml.

Deploy: type: git repo: you had new warehouse link # such as: branch: Message: Update Hexo Static Content # You can customize the description of this deployment UpdateCopy the code

Save, deploy!

You may need to enter your username and password the first time. There will be no *** when entering the password, don’t be afraid, it has been entered.

hexo deployCopy the code

When you’re done, open your url at https:// your name.github. IO to see your online site.

With HTTPS, HTTP may not open properly. HTTPS is HTTP with secure encryption, and Chrome already displays HTTP links as insecure by default. For security, you are advised to enable forced HTTPS redirect. The project address page is Settings, Options, GitHub Pages, and Enforce HTTPS. At this point, the HTTP url is automatically redirected to HTTPS

Backup and automatic deployment

We are currently just deploying the generated static files to the cloud.

Just in case, we should also push the site’s source files to the GitHub repository for backup.

Git remote add Origin your username/name.githubCopy the code

Next, prepare to commit. These are the commands you will need to enter for each backup.

Git add -a git commit -m You may want to set up the default commit branch # git push --set-upstream origin hexoCopy the code

You might find it a bit of a hassle to enter these three commands every time you push. Then you can write bash scripts.

For example, create in the root directory.

Pencil: Update content 'info=$1 if ["$info" = ""]; then info=":pencil: update content" fi git add -A git commit -m "$info" git push origin hexoCopy the code

After that, you only need to run sh on the terminal.

Updates are cumbersome, and each deployment is cumbersome, and can be automated using continuous integration.

What is continuous integration? Continuous integration is a software development practice. Automate software builds to find errors. Travis CI is a provider of online continuous integration services. It pulls the code you push to GitHub every time and builds it to your specifications. We can use it to automatically generate static files for our site and then automatically deploy them for us.

The official documentation on how to deploy Hexo using continuous integration is pretty detailed, so I won’t paint a picture.

Deploy Hexo to GitHub Pages

Now that your site is basically set up, go ahead and customize your theme.

Yun Topic Document

Started writing

The article

Enter the following command to create the file.

hexo new post xxxCopy the code

Md, the suffix of Markdown, is a simple and convenient text markup language. You only need to remember a few simple syntax, you can write quickly. Why Markdown? First, Hexo itself converts Markdown into a static Html file that makes it easier for users to write articles. Markdown is like a cross between Word and TXT. Word is bulky, most of its features are virtually useless, and the final document is often loaded with redundant information. TXT is unable to achieve bold, title, underline, horizontal lines and other commonly used functions. (TXT is just a plain text format. Markdown is also a plain text file, but with the syntax and the Markdown compiler, you can see some simple styles.)

This article, for example, was written through Markdown.

## ## ## ## ## # ** Bold text **Copy the code

More syntax (more, but not much) : Markdown basic syntax

Here is a Markdown style I wrote: star-Markdown-CSS

Above is the rendered image, which you can compare with Markdown’s plain text.


You can create your own custom pages.

For example, write new HTML directly under the source folder in the Hexo directory.

You can also create a new page by using the following command. (It’s still Markdown, of course, but you can write HTML in Markdown and it will be rendered.)

hexo new page xxxCopy the code

Speaking of here, have to mention the characteristic function of this theme.

Generate your wife list page. Write in a certain format. See the documentation.



No video, one is lazy, two is more conducive to update the text erratum.

And the article will appear frequently reference links, more convenient to use.

How to bind your custom domain name?

First, you have to have your own domain name.

Avoid advertising suspicion, you can go to relevant domain name provider to buy by oneself.

And use CNAME to resolve to your name.github. IO. (Of course, A records can be directly resolved to the GitHub Pages IP address.)

Managing a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site

Create a new CNAME file (without the suffix) under the source folder in the Hexo working directory.

Files in the source directory are copied as-is to the generated static folder, except for the special Markdown that is parsed to HTML.

Fill in your domain name.

About custom domains and GitHub Pages

More that might be helpful

Other platforms

After all, their site may not have what people see, so sent to other platforms (or not). But the reading experience is supposed to be the best here.


A personal website can also be used for many things. You can use it to document your life, recall, create, study notes, develop experiences, etc. (including as a test bed). It can be shared with familiar people, or it can serve as a display of another self in another world.

Years later, it’s interesting to look back on what I wrote.

A good beginning makes many, a good ending few.

Minister Wen good author, not good into; A good beginning makes a bad ending. “Historical Records · Biography of Le Yi”

I hope you will have the willpower to stick to it and stay true to your original aspiration.

Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen

If you have other minor problems, you can go to the QQ group (389401003) to feedback.

If it’s a more general question, it’s best to give feedback in the comments so other students can see it and don’t have to repeat the question.
