TcaplusDB keeps a close eye on the game industry and the database industry. TcaplusDB has compiled a list of recent games and database industry news. (Part of this article is from the web.)

The domestic console market continues to grow: projected to reach $2.46 billion by 2025

Niko Partners, a market research firm, recently released a report on the Chinese console game market. The total hardware and software revenue of China’s console game market (including the gray market) is expected to reach $2.46 billion by 2025, the report said. From 2020 ($1.84 billion) to 2025, the Chinese console market will grow at a cagR of around 5.9%.

While the Chinese console market is growing, it is still a small part of the overall Chinese gaming market. According to Niko Parters, console games accounted for just 4.1% of China’s total gaming revenue last year, and that proportion is expected to rise to 4.3% by 2025.

Source: Niko Partners

The Data Security Law was introduced

The Data Security Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Data Security Law) was adopted at the 29th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress on June 10, 2021 and will come into force on September 1, 2021.

“Data Security Law” full text of seven chapters 55, respectively from the data security and development, data security system, data security protection obligations, government data security and openness of the data security protection obligations and the corresponding legal liability provisions.

Ciict “Zhuoxin Big Data Plan” : Data Security Seminar Salon (Shanghai Station) successfully landed

Recently, the “Zhuoxin Big Data Plan” — Data Security Seminar Salon (Shanghai Station) was successfully held jointly sponsored by Theil Terminal Laboratory and Security Research Institute of China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (China Academy of Information and Communication Technology).

This seminar attracted a large number of Shanghai local and surrounding Internet enterprises to participate. The conference focused on building data security infrastructure, improving data security guarantee system, and exploring data security application innovation.

As the first event of “Zhuoxin Big Data Plan” held in Shanghai, this conference not only brought the latest policy management points and technical management solutions to Shanghai enterprises, but also built a platform for data security communication.

Focus on Games 2021: Mobile game users spent $1.7 billion per week during the first quarter of this year

Mobile data and analytics platform App Annie and INTERNATIONAL Data Corporation IDC today released the Focus on Gaming 2021 report.

According to the report, mobile’s lead in spending is set to grow to more than 2.9 times that of PC games and 3.1 times that of home console games. One year on from the outbreak, demand for mobile games continues to grow.

Globally, in the first quarter of 2021, users downloaded 30 percent more mobile games per week than they did before the pandemic, exceeding 1 billion games per week. Weekly user spending on mobile games on iOS and Google Play reached $1.7 billion, up 40 percent from pre-pandemic levels.

In the first quarter of 2021, Chinese users downloaded 1.8 billion mobile games on iOS alone and spent $4.5 billion.

Source: Focus on Games 2021 report

That’s TcaplusDB collecting the latest game industry and database news. Thank you for reading.

TcaplusDB is a distributed NoSQL database produced by Tencent. The storage and scheduling code is completely self-developed. It has features such as cache + ground fusion architecture, PB-level storage, millisecond delay, lossless horizontal expansion and complex data structure. At the same time, it has the characteristics of rich ecology, convenient migration, extremely low operation and maintenance cost and five nine high availability. Customers cover gaming, Internet, government, finance, manufacturing and Internet of Things and other fields.