TCAPLUSDB keeps a close eye on the game industry and the database industry. The following is a collection of recent game industry and database industry news collected by TcaplusDB, compiled for you to watch. (Part of this article is from the Internet)

China database manufacturers up to 80, database products 135!

China ICT Institute recently released the database development research report.

The report estimates that the global database market will reach $67.1 billion in 2020, of which China’s database market will reach $3.5 billion (about 240.9 billion yuan), accounting for 5.2% of the global total. It is estimated that by 2025, the global database market size will reach 79.8 billion US dollars, and the total size of China’s database market will reach 68.8 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.4%, accounting for 12.3% of the global market.

From the perspective of enterprises, according to the statistical analysis of China Information and Communication Institute, by the end of May 2021, there were 80 database product providers in China. The establishment time of database enterprises in China is mainly concentrated in the two periods of 1999-2000 and 2013-2017, the number of which is 12 and 38 respectively, accounting for 15% and 48% respectively. Among them, Beijing database enterprises reached 34, ranking the first among all cities in the country.

Data source: China Information Communications Institute

IDC launches China’s big data platform market share report

IDC released “China’s Big Data Platform Market Research Report -2020” in June 2021.

The report shows that in 2020, the global big data software market scale reached 481.36 billion yuan, with Microsoft, Oracle and SAP as the top three vendors contributing more than 30% of the market share. China market, including hardware and software services, China’s big data market scale reached 67.73 billion yuan.

Lu Yanxia, assistant research director at IDC China, said: Today’s big data market is in an iterative period of new and old technologies. New big data management products have been introduced into new application scenarios of users, and massive data has been stored in the original digital system. In the face of data analysis application demand, there are not only the problem of data island left by the information construction in the past, but also the challenge of the new data analysis pipeline is too long. In the next five years, the opportunity of China’s big data management market will be left to the manufacturers that can help users do a good job in data asset management support analysis application scenarios.

Source: IDC

Forty-three imported online games won the plate number

The National Press and Publication Administration released a new batch of approval information for imported online games in 2021 on June 28. A total of 43 games have been approved.

Among domestic manufacturers, Tencent’s League of Legends e-Sports Manager, netease’s Marvel Duel, Steamfighter: Alliance, Match Man and other games won the title.

In addition, Sony PS4/PS5 “The Great Adventures of Sackie Boy”, “Tennis World Tour”, “Xuanyuan Sword Seven” and other games have been approved, Nintendo Switch “Mario Rage Rabbit: Kingdom War”, “Rage Rabbit: The Party”, “Mini Subway”, “Doraemon Ranch Story”, “Rayman: Legends, Super Mario Party and other games were reviewed.

The number of consumer game complaints dropped to 3.3 percent, and the protection of minors was recognized by nearly 90 percent of users

June 25, Gamma data released the “game consumer rights and interests protection survey report.”

The report is notable for the following statistics: consumer complaints about games fell from 4.5% of total complaints received in 2019 to 3.3% in 2020. Second, 86 percent of people who play games feel the environment is better than it was in the past. In addition, more than 70 percent of users believe that games should be cracked down on false propaganda, while nearly 90 percent of game consumers believe that protection for minors has been effective.

Data source: Gamma data

The above is the latest game industry and database industry news collected by TcaplusDB. Thank you for reading.

TCAPLUSDB is a distributed NoSQL database produced by Tencent. The storage and scheduling codes are completely self-developed. It has features such as cache + floor-to-ground fusion architecture, petabyte storage, millisecond delay, lossless horizontal scaling and complex data structure. At the same time, it has the characteristics of rich ecology, convenient migration, extremely low cost of operation and maintenance and five nine high availability. Customers cover the fields of games, Internet, government affairs, finance, manufacturing and Internet of Things.