TASKCTL designs a complete message notification mechanism and provides users with different types of messages. Different users can subscribe to receive what messages, at the same time, through certain Settings, can achieve the corresponding message under what conditions and send frequency and other requirements.

List of main user message types:

Note: Advanced messages, which can be used only after the advanced functions of Monitor are authorized.

Message Subscription Description

The system provides a wealth of messages and pushes them to users in various ways, such as client software, short messages and emails. Through message subscriptions, different users can determine which messages need to be received through which channels.

  1. Default channel: as long as the user subscribes, the corresponding message is pushed to the client.

  2. Optional channels: After subscribing to corresponding messages, users can also choose different receiving channels such as email, SMS and wechat (temporarily not available).

User message Advanced Settings:

Currently, we can only set parameters such as message sending frequency (for example, is the message sent every hour or every two hours), and when the message is sent (for example, the CPU warning threshold) through the server configuration file.

Configuration file address:

Configuration files in the scheduling server installation user environment, the name is: $TASKCTLDIR/conf/usermsgdef XML

Set related parameters

Public attribute

  • Msgid: Message number, same as in view Message -> Personal subscription message in the Monitor client.

  • Coverh: Message coverage duration (hours). It can also be understood as message reminder frequency. The same message of the same object is no longer reminded during the coverage period.

  • Ctlpara: Control parameters for message generation, such as the CPU warning threshold. This specific content may differ from message to message. Not every message has this property.

Ctlpara indicates the personalization attribute

Currently, only five messages have personalization control parameters

** First type: **201 (timeout job)

Job timeout calculation formula

(homework has run length > warning lowest) && (assignment has run length – forecast > = | alarm beyond value | homework has run length > forecast * alarm beyond ratio)

  • Job run time: the actual running time of the currently running job

  • Lowest warning value (to be defined) : Indicates that the job has been running for a long time. A warning can be generated only when the job has exceeded the lowest warning value.

  • Estimate: Indicates how long the job is likely to run. The estimated value of each job is calculated automatically by the system.

  • Alarm exceed value (to be defined) : Set an acceptable exceed value

  • Alarm excess rate (to be defined) : Set an acceptable rate

Parameter to define [XML tag name]

  • Basemintime: minimum warning value (s)

  • Alarmoutsecs: Alarm exceeded value (seconds)

  • Alarmoutbl: alarm excess rate

** Second type: **206 (timeout operation, over the system setting interrupt alarm)

This message needs to define the maximum time (minutes) for the entire platform job to run, and if this time is exceeded, the system automatically interrupts the job. The XML tag is:

  • Outtime: indicates the maximum running time of a job (minutes). Default: 720 minutes (12 hours)

** The other three: **301(hard disk warning), 302(CPU warning), 303(memory warning)

Warning thresholds need to be defined for these three messages, and XML tags are:

  • Alertvalue is a floating-point value. 0.95 indicates 95%.