Single deployment

Standalone deployment means that we deploy only one core service node and no proxy nodes throughout the platform. For the background TASKCTL character interface application, we can deploy it with services or in other environments. This deployment mode is also the easiest deployment to schedule.

Deployment steps: “Refer to the previous article” Core Scheduling Service Node Installation “or” Service Byte Interface Application System Installation “to complete single-node deployment.

Distributed deployment

Distributed deployment refers to the deployment of core proxy nodes. For background character interface applications, we can deploy with core service nodes or proxy nodes, or in other environments. Compared with single-node deployment, this deployment mode applies to personalized network application environments.

At present, distributed deployment is the mainstream deployment mode in DOMESTIC ETL projects.

Deployment steps:

  1. Install the core service node: For details, see the section about installing the core service Node.

  2. Install the core agent Node: Continue to install the core agent node in another environment, as described in the section on Core Agent Node Installation

  3. Install character interface applications: Install client systems in a service or agent or other environment, as described in the character interface application Installation section

  4. Set the primary/secondary relationship for the proxy node using the online application client. As shown below:

TASKCTL implements load balancing by combining master proxy nodes with slave proxy nodes. Load balancing can be used at design time when a master/slave agent is configured.

Initializing the platform

The core installation includes core scheduling service node installation and core scheduling agent node installation. However, the previous installation did not associate the service node with the proxy node or configure the corresponding properties for the node, and the entire platform must be initialized in order for the components across the platform to function well with each other. After initialization, we can do process development and run monitoring information on the scheduling server. We can start the relevant node to see if it can be successfully started, which is also one of the methods to verify whether the system is successfully installed.

The premise condition

Before platform initialization, you need to start service node listening, proxy node listening, and check whether the services of service nodes and proxy nodes are stopped. The operations monitored by the service node and the proxy node are the same as follows:

Start service/proxy node listening

On the service/proxy node platform, the core product provides the ctlinit command to initiate listening on the node, which the user simply executes.

Ctlinit Function

  1. Start port monitoring for communication between various platforms.

  2. Apply for 25 MB shared memory space to store platform configuration information. If the platform configuration information exists, it is loaded to the shared memory. If the platform configuration information does not exist, it is not loaded.

  3. Create message queues for communication between processes.

If the listener is started successfully, the user can use the ipcs -m command to view the shared memory, as shown in the following figure:

Use the ipcs -q command to view the message queue, as shown below:

The ctlshut command is also provided to stop node listening.

Initialize platform channels

Initialize the main content

The initialization platform is mainly to allocate the types of each node and the relationship between the superior and subordinate, and prepare the task type definition and application engineering definition for the process application development. What it does is load the platform configuration information into the core service node shared memory and the core proxy node shared memory. The main contents of initialization are as follows:

Platform Node Definition

Under the Admin management platform, the platform node can be defined as follows:

1. Define a scheduling server node

Note The default node type cntServer (scheduling service Node), node name, IP address, port number, and remarks have been entered for the first time. You can only modify the node name and remarks.

2. Define the primary proxy node

Click “Add” button, select node type cntMAgent (master proxy node), input node name, IP address, port number, superior node (must be defined scheduling server node) and remarks, click “Save”. At this point, the primary agent node is mounted under the specified scheduling server node.

3. Define the slave proxy node

Click the < Add > button, select the node type cntSAgent (secondary proxy node), enter the node name, IP address, port number, superior node (must be defined as the primary proxy node) and remarks, and click < Save >. At this point, the secondary proxy node is mounted below the specified primary proxy node.

After the addition is completed, we can enter the node diagram of the platform node to intuitively see the relationship between the defined nodes, as shown below:

Task Type Definition

The definition of the task type can be completed on the Admin management platform through the following figure:

The figure above allows you to set the plugins, parameters, ICONS, return values, and other information in the task type. Users only need to click the < Add > button to define.

** Plug-in definition, when the task scheduling needs to execute the plug-in to make the task really run, icon definition in the process of graphics development and display is very useful.

Application engineering Definition

Since the process development is mounted under the project, the corresponding application project must be defined before the process development. The definition of the application project can be completed on the Admin management platform through the following figure:

The above figure can set the project name and project description in the application project. Users only need to click the < Add > button to define.

** Project name unique to the entire platform.

Starting a Service Node

Check whether the product is installed successfully and whether the scheduling server can start normally. You can start the scheduling server in the following ways:

The Admin management platform is started

Log in to the Admin management platform. In the node diagram of the platform node, see the following figure:

Select the node you want to start in the picture above, and then click the < Start > button to start. If you need to stop, click the “stop” button. < Start and stop before all nodes have been initialized >

Background CTladmin client software starts

Log in to the background ctladmin client system and run the ctlstart+[CTL node ID] command to start the node. The specific usage is as follows:

First, use the listcirn command to view the CIR node information list of the entire platform and obtain the number of CTL nodes to be started, as shown in the figure below:

Secondly, use ctlstart+[CTL node number] to start the CTL node, as shown in the following figure:

The startup failed because the node is not installed on host If you need to stop, the system provides the ctlstop command, using the same method as ctlstart.

CTL platform start

To facilitate the manager to start or stop a CTL service in a simpler and faster way, the core product also provides the ctlstart command to start the current CTL node. Run the ctlhelp+ command to view the help document. The specific usage is shown in the figure below:

If you need to stop, the platform also provides the ctlstop command, which is used in the same way as ctlstart

Software validation

1. Verify the desktop client

In the node diagram of the Admin management platform, check whether the corresponding server icon is started, as shown in the following figure:

It can be seen from the above that if the node is started, the symbol of the node becomes a green dot, indicating that the node is started successfully, indicating that the node is successfully installed.

2. Verify the background character interface client

In the application system of CTladmin management platform, use Listcirn to check whether the CTL node corresponding to the CIR node information list of the whole platform is marked with “5-start status”, as shown in the following figure:

You can also use the listjt command to check whether the task type information is correct. Listapp command to check whether the project information is correct. The listpara command is used to check whether the global variable information is correct.

Process validation

1. The scheduling server

Check whether the CTLCPG, CTLSPS, CTLDRR, CTLDAR, CTLSTR, CTLDSY, CTLEMR, CTLUCD, and CTLJMM processes are started.

2. Proxy server

Check whether CTLCPG, CTLSPS, CTLDRR, CTLDAR, and CTLSTR processes are started.

3. Meaning of relevant processes: