If you are familiar with Mingyue, you know that Mingyue has been using acme.sh as the main tool for applying, deploying and renewing the free SSL certificate on the server side. Today, when I was helping a webmaster to apply for SSL certificate, I found that the default free SSL certificate changed to acme.sh V3.0: ZeroSSL ZeroSSL is actually similar to Let’s Encrypt, which has been introduced in 2016. Like Let’s Encrypt, the certificate validity period is only 90 days, and supports the SSL certificate of the universal domain name. Unlike Let’s Encrypt, ZeroSSL API has no rate limit, ZeroSSL also provides a WEB interface to manage SSL certificates in the background, which is richer than Let’s Encrypt.

For this ZeroSSL certificate moon very early heard, also conveniently to its official website (Zerossl.com/) registered an account, there are… ZeroSSL vs. Let’s Encrypt ZeroSSL vs. Let’s Encrypt Compared to Let’s Encrypt, ZeroSSL has a web-based SSL certificate query and management platform, which can be used to manage SSL certificates. In addition, ZeroSSL also provides a more complete API interface for secondary development of what, to simplify ZeroSSL more suitable for special advanced use of the site to choose to use, for our ordinary just need HTTPS webmaster for Let’s Encrypt actually fully sufficient, Let’s Encrypt instead of ZeroSSL. Of course, the stationmaster who is good at toss about can also consider toss about.

The following mingyue sorted out some acme.sh script instructions for your reference:

Change acme.sh to Let’s Encrypt by default

acme.sh --set-default-ca --server letsencrypt

Or change the default service provider to ZeroSSL

acme.sh --set-default-ca --server zerossl

Associated with your ZeroSSL account ([email protected] to change your own ZeroSSL email, do not fill in oh!)

acme.sh --register-account -m [email protected] --server zerossl

Mingyue prefers the Let’s Encrypt free SSL certificate. After all, it has been stable for many years. If your site HTTPS has been pre-cached, it is not recommended to replace the SSL certificate and keep the original SSL certificate. ZeroSSL just gives us another option and is perfectly supported by the Acme.sh script!