With the rise and development of artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing and other technologies, all kinds of devices, terminals, system platforms will produce massive data, and the traditional processing method has gradually fallen behind. Therefore, these intelligent and convenient technologies have gradually penetrated into all walks of life. For example, with the increase of traffic routes, bayonets and large-scale networking in the transportation industry, massive traffic records of vehicles have been collected. If the traditional statistical data mode is simply continued for analysis and event processing, a large amount of data and information will not be timely feedback and solution.

The use of artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of things, cloud computing and other technologies can real-time analysis of urban traffic flow, traffic light interval adjustment, shorten the waiting time of vehicles, improve the efficiency of urban road. City level of artificial intelligence in the brain, real-time control the track of urban road traffic information, parking lot vehicle information, as well as the residential parking information, can advance half an hour to predict traffic and parking lot number changes, reasonable allocate resources, traffic, airport, railway station, bus station, business circle of large-scale traffic linkage scheduling, To improve the operation efficiency of the whole city and provide guarantee for the smooth travel of residents.

In this paper, we will talk about what conveniences and changes artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other technologies will bring to the transportation industry:

1. Data resource integration

Due to the large number of lines in China, most departments related to transportation have their own information platforms and generate massive data. However, most of the system platforms in each department and unit are independent, and most of the information and data are not interconnected, which results in disorganized and unshared data resources. Now, due to the deep application of cloud computing, the transportation industry has begun to cloud data and resource integration, which will provide favorable support for the management, planning, operation and service of the transportation industry.

For example, the combination of EasyNVR+EasyNVS has realized the transformation of traffic cloud. In the video cloud service project of a provincial expressway group that canceled the project of provincial boundary station, 2000+ roads of equipment have been successfully connected to accelerate the efficiency of case processing with the help of video big data analysis.

2. Intelligent analysis and decision making

Since the traffic industry has many modules, such as bayonetting, surveillance video, traffic accident, bus network, vehicle positioning, vehicle operation and so on, and the data volume is large, if the previous statistical analysis continues to be used to assist decision-making, it will increase the cost of time, manpower and material resources. At present, big data computing and artificial intelligence are used to assist decision-making to deal with the transportation industry events, which will achieve timely and effective processing, and the occurrence of events can be traced in time, providing decisions and basis for avoiding the occurrence of the same events in the future.

3. Vehicle statistics and identification

At present, vehicle statistics and recognition is the most popular application in the transportation industry. Although the recognition degree is not very high now, with the application of artificial intelligence and deep learning, this situation will be greatly improved. At present, EasyCVR has realized the license plate recognition, and will continue to make efforts in intelligent analysis in the future. With the help of intelligent video analysis and recognition technology, the traffic industry can count the traffic flow, license plate recognition, vehicle type detection and so on, which is conducive to the traffic industry to achieve all-round monitoring and patrol of highway traffic; Facilitate the dredging of traffic jams; It is conducive to the tracing and tracing of traffic incidents.

4. Automatic processing and vehicle tracking

Based on intelligent video recognition technology and big data computing capability, it can realize not only traffic flow statistics and vehicle identification, but also based on the extracted vehicle information combined with GIS or satellite positioning technology for vehicle tracking. And set up automatic charging system at the high speed entrance and exit, realize automatic, intelligent business processing, facilitate the rapid passage of vehicles.

5. Remote command and scheduling

Based on the vehicle tracking technology, once there is a chase, first aid and other incidents, the traffic department can carry out emergency plan, through the traffic platform data interconnection, realize the first aid and arrest personnel, vehicle scheduling, and timely dredging and operation.

In AI intelligent analysis, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and other new technologies brought to all walks of life will always drive us to bring forth the new, and TSINGSEE’s intelligent analysis platform EasyGBS, EasyCVR and so on will also adapt to the development of The Times, combined with new technologies, The application of these emerging technologies in the transportation industry is much more than that. In the future, new developments and breakthroughs will be achieved in the fields of traffic signal control, intelligent connected cars, intelligent buses and so on. TSINGSEE video intelligent analysis platform can provide safe, reliable and efficient video connection, storage and intelligent application services for the Internet of Things devices in many industry scenarios, and provide PaaS level intelligent video cloud platform services for many industry users.