With the development of 5G, loT, audio and video, live broadcasting, CDN and other industries and services, more and more computing power and services begin to sink closer to data sources or end users, so as to obtain better response time and reduce costs. Therefore, edge computing is different from the traditional central cloud computing mode, and is widely used in automobile, agriculture, energy, transportation and other industries.

As the first open source edge cloud native project of Alibaba, OpenYurt involves two fields of edge computing and cloud native. The project has been in the interest of developers since it became open source.

On November 27th, KubeMeet, a developer salon co-sponsored by Cloud Native Foundation and Alibaba Cloud City Association, will hold a special session of “Cloud native Edge Computing” in Shenzhen Station. CNCF OpenYurt project sponsor, Ali Cloud senior technical expert & TOC member Huang Yuqi, VMware chief engineer Liu Wuming, Telecom Tianyi cloud R&D engineer Zhang Lifang, Deep convinced cloud computing development engineer Zhao Zhen, China Merchants Cloud Paas Platform Department General manager Duan Jia will gather KubeMeet, talk to 100 developers about “cloud native edge computing” and share OpenYurt implementation practices.

KubeMeet Shenzhen station, what are we talking about?

  • Why do we need cloud-native edge computing? How about the status quo and challenges of its landing?

  • What is OpenYurt? Why is it the first choice in a cloud native edge computing ecologically compatible scenario?

  • How do I enable the cloud native management capability for edge devices?

  • How does OpenYurt help users have the same application management experience in the edge scenario as in the central cloud?

  • In the face of weak network challenges in edge scenarios ****, how can I ensure the normal running of services?

  • How to quickly implement the cloud-side integrated infrastructure platform **** based on mature edge container technology?

Time activity & address

Time: 13:30 — 18:00, November 27, 2021 (Saturday)

Address: Shenzhen ali Center · T4-3F Tianmancheng, Houhai, Shenzhen

Full Agenda

The scene interaction, the community exquisite periphery delivers ceaselessly

November 27th [KubeMeet Developer Salon · Cloud Native Edge Computing special session] is open for registration. At the event site, you can not only learn the latest progress of the most popular open source projects for developers, enterprise application practice, and make friends with developers who love open source, but also a large number of OpenYurt community exquisite peripheral distribution. We will draw lucky developers at the scene and send surprise gifts! Limited places, scan the poster QR code to register!

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