Spring Boot is a new framework from the Pivotal team designed to simplify the initial setup and development process for new Spring applications. The framework uses a specific way to configure so that developers no longer need to define boilerplate configurations. In this way, Spring Boot aims to be a leader in the burgeoning field of rapid Application development.

Over the years, Spring has become more complex as new features have been added. Just by visiting the Spring. IO/Projects page, we can see the different features of all the Spring projects that we can use in our application. If we had to start a new Spring project, we had to add build paths or Maven dependencies, configure the application server, and add Spring configuration. So starting a new Spring project takes a lot of effort, because we now have to do everything from scratch.

Spring Boot is the solution to this problem. Spring Boot is already built on top of the existing Spring framework. With Spring boot, we avoided all the boilerplate code and configuration that we had to do before. Therefore, Spring Boot can help us use existing Spring functionality more robustly with less effort.

What are the advantages of Spring Boot? Reduced development, testing time and effort. Using JavaConfig helps you avoid using XML. Avoid massive Maven imports and versioning conflicts. Provide advice on developing methods. Start development quickly by providing default values. No separate Web server is required. This means you no longer need to start Tomcat, Glassfish, or anything else. Less configuration is required because there is no web.xml file. Simply add the class annotated with @Configuration, then add the method annotated with @Bean, and Spring will automatically load the object and manage it as before. You can even add @AutoWired to the bean method to make Spring automatically load the required dependencies. Context-based configuration Using these properties, you can deliver the environment you are using to your application: -dspring.profiles. active = {enviorvulnerabilities}. After loading the main application properties file, Spring loads subsequent application properties files in (Application {environment}.properties).

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This article is a review manual of basic knowledge of Spring Boot. The knowledge involved in this article includes: Configure common annotations, Spring Boot automatic configuration, Configuration principles, how to change the default configuration, static resource processing, Rest mapping, Spring Boot common annotations, file upload, interceptor, error handling, data layer integration: MyBatis, JDBC, Druid, Redis, etc., covering 2021 Ali, Tencent, Bytedance and other big manufacturers about the latest Spring Boot interview questions and answer analysis.

You can first collect, forward, when there is a need to refer to. If you need to get the complete document can be private letter “information” to get ha! The contents of this article are as follows:

An overview of the

What is Spring Boot? What are the advantages of Spring Boot? What are the core annotations for Spring Boot? Which notes are it mainly composed of?


What is JavaConfig? What is the principle of Spring Boot automatic configuration? How do you understand the Spring Boot configuration loading order? What is YAML? What are the advantages of YAML configurations? Can Spring Boot be configured using XML? What is the Spring Boot core configuration file? What is the difference between bootstrap.properties and application.properties? What are Spring Profiles? How do I run a Spring Boot application on a custom port?


How can Spring Boot applications be secured? Compare the pros and cons of Spring Security and Shiro? How to solve cross-domain problems in Spring Boot? What is a CSRF attack?

The monitor

What is a monitor in Spring Boot? How to disable THE SECURITY of the Actuator in Spring Boot? How do we monitor all Spring Boot microservices?

Integrate third party projects

What are WebSockets? What is Spring Data? What is Spring Batch? What is a FreeMarker template? How to integrate Spring Boot and ActiveMQ? What is Apache Kafka? What is Swagger? Did you implement it with Spring Boot? How to maintain interface documents when the front and back ends are separated?


How do I reload changes on Spring Boot without restarting the server? How are Spring Boot projects hot deployed? Which Starter Maven dependencies do you use? What exactly is a starter in Spring Boot? What is the use of spring-boot-starter-parent? What is the difference between Spring Boot jar and ordinary JAR? What are the ways to run Spring Boot? Does Spring Boot need a separate container to run? What are the ways to enable Spring Boot? How do I implement exception handling using Spring Boot? How do I use Spring Boot for paging and sorting? How to realize session sharing in microservices? How do I implement scheduled tasks in Spring Boot?

The full text content is too long, so only extract the article catalog to everyone, if there is not enough to point out that please don’t hesitate to give directions!

If you need to get this document to learn Spring Boot in detail, I am also happy to share with you, you can private letter “information” to get ha!

Gold, silver and four have arrived, I hope this information can help you in the interview road! Sorting is not easy, to help you hope you can point a praise ha! Thank you very much!