The paper

Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework for quickly building high-quality native user interfaces on iOS and Android. Flutter can work with existing code. Flutter is being used by more and more developers and organizations around the world, and Flutter is completely free and open source. Flutter is simply Google’s new SDK for building cross-platform mobile apps. Write a code that runs on both Android and iOS. The programming language behind Flutter is Dart, which Google calls “client-optimized” for “rapidly building applications” on any platform.

Flutter advantage

1. The thermal overload of Flutter helps you test quickly, build UI, add features, and fix bugs faster. On iOS and Android emulators or real phones you can reload in subseconds without losing state.

Create a new experience for your users with the beautiful Material Design and Cupertino (iOS style) widgets, rich Motion apis, smooth and natural sliding effects and platform awareness built into Flutter.

3. Easily build your user interface using Flutter’s modern, responsive framework and a series of basic widgets. Solve tough UI challenges with powerful and flexible apis (for 2D, animation, gestures, effects, etc.).

4. Make your app powerful and easy to use with platform-specific apis, third-party SDKS, and native code. Flutter allows you to reuse existing Java, Swift, or ObjC code, access native system features and system SDKS on iOS and Android.

Flutter has a wealth of tools and libraries that help you easily implement your ideas and creativity on both iOS and Android systems. If you don’t have any mobile development experience, Flutter is an easy and quick way to build beautiful mobile applications. If you are an experienced iOS or Android developer, you can use Flutter as a View layer and use what has already been done with Java/ObjC/Swift (Flutter supports mixed development).

Flutter contains a number of core widgets, such as scrolling, navigation, ICONS and fonts, that can perform as well as native apps on iOS and Android. Features that focus on native experiences can be released quickly. The layered architecture allows you to fully customize, enabling incredibly fast rendering and expressive, flexible design. With a millisecond hot overload, your application interface will be updated immediately after modification. Build native interfaces in minutes with rich, fully customizable widgets. Flutter does not rely on a set of native components. Instead, Flutter designs its UI using visual, structured, platform-based and interactive widgets, all rendered by the framework’s graphics engine. More importantly, Flutter leaves a lot of room for customization, making it a great choice if you want to design a perfect UI.


Flutter is a cross-platform framework that submerges audio, video, and web modules into a C++ or ARM layer and encapsulates them into an audio and video SDK that can be called by PCS, iOS, and Android on the UI layer. Flutter is a cross-platform framework at the UI layer, which, as its name implies, also implements cross-platform development at the UI layer. It can be expected that without Flutter development, it will gradually become a full-link cross-platform development from the bottom layer to the UI layer, with technical staff responsible for SDK and UI layer development respectively. Taking IOS as an example, APPLE’s UIKit realizes UI drawing by calling the platform’s own drawing framework QuaztCore, and graphics drawing also calls the underlying API, such as OpenGL and Metal. Flutter also uses the same logic as the native API to implement the UI layer by calling the underlying drawing framework layer, SKIA. In this way, Flutter implements a UI framework of its own, providing a cross-platform possibility that outperforms its native API.

AnyRTC cross-platform SDK has included APIcloud, Electron, Flutter and UNI-App frameworks, providing many developers with more choices and a better development environment. AnyRTC SDK is designed by anyRTC for real-time interactive communication and live broadcast applications, including real-time audio, video, mixing, screen sharing and other functions, suitable for entertainment, games, education and other scenes. Supports public cloud, hybrid cloud, and private cloud deployment modes.

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