Integration strategy

The technology content of legacy systems is high, but its business value is low. Such systems are generally implemented to fulfill some requirements of some business personnel. Because they are not closely related to the main business, the historical technology of the main system does not need to be carried away, so the newer technology is generally used. This system works good in their local area, but for the entire enterprise, there are multiple such systems, different systems based on different platforms and different data models, formed a information island, at the same time, users need to record multiple system user name and password, caused unnecessary burden to the user. The evolutionary strategy for such legacy systems is integration. Integration often brings about the problem of unified login of users. For the unified preservation of original users, the internal transformation of the system will put forward high requirements. This parameter is available for unified login

Spring Cloud OAuth

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Reform strategy

Legacy systems have high business value and can basically meet the needs of enterprise business operation and decision support, which are generally business systems of newly established departments of the enterprise. Such a system may be built in a short time, the technical burden is not so heavy, can also be salvaged, evolutionary strategy for transformation. The transformation includes the enhancement of system function and the transformation of data model. The enhancement of system functions means to add new application requirements on the basis of the original system without changing the legacy system itself. Data model transformation refers to the transformation of the old data model of the legacy system into a new data model. The key is to take small steps along the way, one piece at a time, and test enough to prevent the introduction of new bugs.

Elimination strategy

Low technical content, low business value, there is no value of any rescue!! This is usually the overall elimination of the product line, or KPI project. The complete elimination of the legacy system is a fundamental waste of enterprise resources, which can only help accumulate experience in product development, help the design of new system, and reduce the risk of new system development.

Inheritance strategy

Legacy systems have been built for a long time and therefore have low technical content, but they can barely meet the functional or performance requirements of enterprise operation through minor repairs and have high commercial value. At present, the business of enterprises is still closely dependent on this system. The evolutionary strategy for this legacy system is inheritance. When developing a new system, you need to be fully compatible with the functional model and data model of the legacy system, so you can only change the technology you use, such as changing JSP to the vUE front end. This inheritance of the original system requires a technical personnel who is very familiar with the original system to have a general grasp of the original system, and conduct code combing and discussion every week, because there are often a lot of special logic for some special needs in the enterprise business, which may be caught accidentally. To ensure business continuity, the old and new systems must run in parallel for a period of time, and then gradually switch over to the new system.