Apple has launched the new SwiftUI this year, with the lowest supported version of iOS13, making it faster and easier to use the interface. The basic controls of SwiftUI include:

  1. Text

        .font(.custom("BradleyHandITCTT-Bold", size: 36))
        .frame(width: 200, height: 80, alignment: .bottomTrailing)
    Copy the code
  2. TextField

    TextField("User Name", text: $username, onEditingChanged: { (value) in
    	    print("onEditingChanged:\(self.username)") {})print("onCommit:\(self.username)")}. TextFieldStyle (RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle ()) / / password input box Text ("Your password is \(password)!")
        SecureField("Your password", text: $password) {
            print("Your password is \(self.password)!")
    Copy the code
  3. Button

    Button(action: {
    	print("---Third button action.")
        }) {
    	Image(systemName: "clock")
    	Text("Third button")
     Button(action: {
    	print("---Button with image.")
    	HStack {
    	    Image(systemName: "star")
    	    Text("Button with image")
    Copy the code
  4. Spacer is a flexible spatial view that expands on two X or Y axes

    HStack {
         Image(systemName: "clock")
         Spacer(minLength: 50)
         Text("\(Date())")}Copy the code
  5. Divider, divides horizontally,

     Image(systemName: "clock")
        .scaleEffect(CGSize(width: 1, height: 10))
    Copy the code
  6. Image

    	.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
    	.blur(radius: CGFloat(2), opaque: true)
            .frame(width: 300, height: 300)
    Text("SWIFT UI!")
    	.font(Font.system(size: 64).bold()))
    Image("girlPicture"). ScaleEffect (0.8)Copy the code
  7. Picker is the equivalent of UIPickerView in UIKit

     struct ContentView : View {
     var number = ["first"."second"."third"]
     @State private var selectedItem = 0
     var body: some View {
        VStack {
           Picker(selection: $selectedItem, label: Text("Number")) { ForEach(0 .. < number.count) { Text(self.number[$0]).tag($0).foregroundColor(self.colors[$0])
           Text("Your choice: ")
            + Text("\(number[selectedItem])").foregroundColor(self.colors[selectedItem])
    Copy the code
  8. PickerDate

        DatePicker(selection: $selectedDate, displayedComponents: {
            Text("Date")}Copy the code
  9. Slider

        Slider(value: $ - 20... 40) { (item)in
    Copy the code
  10. Stepper

        Stepper(onIncrement: {
            self.temperature += 1
        }, onDecrement: {
            self.temperature -= 1
        }, label: { Text("Temperature: \(Int(temperature))")})Copy the code
  11. Segments are like UISegmentedControl in UIKit

        Picker(selection: $selectedAnimal, label: Text("animals")) { ForEach(0 .. < animals.count) { Text(self.animals[$0]).tag($0)
    Copy the code
  12. Toggle

        Toggle(isOn: $showNotification) {
            Text("Show notification:")
    Copy the code
  13. TabView

    TabView {
        Text("The home page.")
    	.font(.system(size: 21))
    	    Image(systemName: "imageName")
    	    Text("Home") })
        Text("The settings page")
    	.font(.system(size: 21))
    	    Image(systemName: "gear")
    Copy the code