// MARK: overloaded operator
class Person {
    var name: String = ""
    var age: Int = 0
    var cardId: Int = 0

    init(name: String.age: Int.cardId: Int) {
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.cardId = cardId

var p1 = Person(name: "zhangsan", age: 10, cardId: 1) // 0x107857fd0
var p2 = Person(name: "zhangsan", age: 10, cardId: 1) // 0x107858000

if p1 = = = p2 {
    print("p1 === p2")}Copy the code

Print does not print because the addresses of the two persons in memory are different.

Swift supports overloaded operators, and == inherits Equatable.

class Person: Equatable {
    / / rewrite = =
    static func = = (lhs: Person.rhs: Person) -> Bool {
        lhs.cardId = = rhs.cardId

if p1 = = p2 {
    print("p1 == p2")}// p1 == p2

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Swift also provides a Comparable protocol, inherited from Equatable.

    static func < (lhs: Self.rhs: Self) -> Bool
    static func < = (lhs: Self.rhs: Self) -> Bool
    static func > = (lhs: Self.rhs: Self) -> Bool
    static func > (lhs: Self.rhs: Self) -> Bool

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Class comparisons can be implemented by overriding operators

static func < (lhs: Person.rhs: Person) -> Bool {      
    lhs.age < rhs.age

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The comparison of struct

Swift struct is a value type that can be directly compared to ==, but > inherits Comparable.

struct Animal: Comparable {
    static func < (lhs: Animal.rhs: Animal) -> Bool {
        lhs.age < rhs.age

    static func = = (lhs: Animal.rhs: Animal) -> Bool {
        lhs.age = = rhs.age
    var name: String
    var age: Int

var a1 = Animal(name: "dog", age: 1)
var a2 = Animal(name: "cog", age: 2)
if a1 < a2 {
    print("a1 < a2")}// a1 < a2

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Swift constructor

While the previous Person is done by overriding the init() constructor, we can define other constructors in Swift

A failable constructor

init?(name: String) {
    if name.isEmpty {
        return nil
    self.name = name

var p3 = Person(name: "")
if p3 = = nil {
    print("person init fail") // Prints because name is invalid, returns nil
print(p3)// nil

var p4 = Person(name: "123")
if let p44 = p4 {
    print("person init success")}else {
    print("person init fail")}// log
/ / ▿ Optional < Person >
// ▿ some: 

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Through the init? The constructed class is an enumeration of Optional type, which is used by the swift? We know that we’re constructing an optional type of Person.

Convenience constructor

convenience init(a) {
    self.init(name: "zhangsan", age: 1, cardId: 1)}Copy the code

The convenience constructor must call the specified constructor of the same class.

Specifying the constructor

class student: Person {
    var subName: String = ""
    init(subName: String) {
        super.init(name: "z", age: 1, cardId: 1)
        self.subName = subName

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Specifies that the constructor must call the constructor of the parent class

Construct classes from literals

We can use the name of the Person to initialize a Person instance object, this requires ExpressibleByStringLiteral inheritance

class Person: Comparable.ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
    typealias StringLiteralType = String
    required init(stringLiteral value: String) {
        self.name = value
        self.age = 2
        self.cardId = 2}}var p5: Person = "zhaowu"
print(p5.age) / / 2

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