This is the second day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge.More article challenges


Very often, a project starts and a coder starts working on it, but as you iterate, and businesses and new features are added, you’ll find that some of the work hasn’t been done right up front, leading to problems and code rewrites. All kinds of repetitive physical labor.

Before you start writing code, you should sit down with your team’s project leader, product manager, and talk about what the App looks like.

Communication, you might say, is easier said than done.

Well, the following is me as an iOS developer, in some daily development accumulated in the communication of a little question, although it is from the perspective of iOS development, but the Android compatriots next door can also be derived and expanded oh, of course, each person in the company is different, the degree of worry is also different, may let everyone laugh.

Ok, so it’s time for the soul searching of the project and product people.

The soul of torture

In this part, I will ask questions and explain them step by step from the business to the code level.

Let’s start with the business today.

1. What is the bundleID of our App?

The bundleID is the unique identifier for your App, and once this is settled, it will only be implemented later, whether for applying for Apple certificates or other third-party services.

And once bundleID is settled, it’s best not to change it.

I once encountered the need to change the bundleID in the middle of the situation, it was really pulled out of the whole body, changed a lot of configuration, tiring and no search.

2. Have you applied for apple’s development certificate and production certificate?

Under normal circumstances, the company will have a person responsible for the management of apple certificate, of course, if the company is small, we may also have to carry all the code farmers. Apply for your own configuration.

If you don’t currently have an Apple account and need to start with DUN & Bradstreet, the process can be a bit long.

Before starting a project, it is a good idea to configure development and production certificates so that subsequent commissioning, package testing, and release can proceed smoothly. Don’t start writing code first, and then do it after the code is written.

Ideally, the device number of the real machine on which the test package is to be installed is also entered into the Whitelist of Apple Certificate Management so that the device number is not repeatedly added and the certificate is updated.

3. What channels are used to distribute the test package?

Testflight is certainly a great way for iOS to distribute test packages, the official authority, and the ability to only put a test package on the shelf after testing.

Of course, the shortcomings are also some, puzzling unwieldy, the first test package distribution audit for a long time and so on.

So it’s not unusual to use some other third-party channel to distribute test packages.

I often use Dandelion. I suggest that if the company needs to use third-party channels to distribute test packages, it should apply for an account to manage distribution packages.

Also consider the automation of subcontracted test packages.

4. Do we not have apple internal purchase for this App?

Although inside buy I have not done, however this matter must say hello in advance!!

Because whether the App needs to be in-app purchase needs to be configured in advance. After the App is put on the shelves, our App needs to add in-app purchase function.

That sour cool, dry people say that is tears.

5. Which third-party services should be added to the App?

There are several types of third-party services, and we will talk about them respectively:

① Map, aurora push, this third-party service is not too complicated, basically you can apply for it.

(2) Services with payment functions, such as Alipay payment and wechat Payment, need to upload business license, etc. It will take some time to apply in advance, so that the App can be involved in debugging in advance.

③ The business and application process for such services as liveness identification and ID card may take longer. It is meaningful for App developers to start as early as possible and apply as soon as possible.

④ Third-party login, now many apps are using wechat login, but there is a clear provision on iOS, that is, the integration of third-party login App must also integrate Apple login, this point can not forget oh.

Because, all third-party services need debugging, no matter you are familiar with the third-party service Api, you may need to step on the pit in a new App. If the application is slow, the developer will be late in debugging, the problem will be found late, may be burning their eyes, can only work overtime debugging. Good application in advance, with urge, is actually the best way to avoid this situation.

6. Buried points and crash logs

Burying and crash logging can be done by yourself or by integrating with third-party services. The main point here is that if burying and crash logging are done by yourself, it is better to make the burying and crash logging modules common in advance and upload them to the company’s proprietary Cocopods.

To be continued

Ok, today, I will talk about the preparation of starting an App from the business side. We will talk about some App development technology later, and we will continue tomorrow.