After Fileocion and Chia broke the circle, Swarm, a local base layer service based on Ethereum Web3.0, also entered the public’s view.

Recently, all kinds of coins have been hyped very hot. It started with Filecoin, which changed the status quo of the mainstream bitcoin-centric market. It was followed by Chia, a greencoin once called bitcoin’s nefariest, which aims to transform existing digital finance and payment systems.

Both are having a big impact on Bitcoin. While the rise is impressive, it’s almost impossible to fundamentally change bitcoin’s position, but those involved in the filecoin and Chia mines have been rewarded. Just as the coin wars were about to stop, a new challenger emerged. Speaking of this one, he founded the Ethereum Fund and created an IPFS distributed storage network called Project Swarm!

Swarm (Bzz) to punch FIL and kick Chia? Swarm and IPFS are very similar in general, and both Swarm and IPFS systems offer common distributed storage solutions and content delivery protocols

1: From a basic point of view

As the storage and communication system launched by Ethereum, Swarm is mainly composed of Ethereum DApp code, user base data, blockchain and state data, as well as untraceable decentralized and redundant storage. Communication provides the basic structure. Swarm allows Ethereum developers to decentralize data storage without having to rely directly on external ecosystems such as IPFS and Filecoin. At the same time, the Swarm project is also defined as one of the most important pillars of Ethereum Web3.0, and the development of Swarm was guided and inspired by the requirements of Ethereum.

IPFS is a peer-to-peer version of the interplanetary file system that connects all computing devices using the same file system and complements the hypertext transfer protocol that currently dominates the Internet. The idea is to use basic content addresses instead of domain-based addresses to get faster, more secure web browsing. In addition, IPFS is an integrated solution that meets many of the protocols in use today. Ga Jingvi ninety-five configuration optimal mining services, the coin circle does not get lost.

2: Compare from the perspective of the excitation layer

Filecoin, which is the incentive layer of IPFS as well as part of the IPFS auxiliary protocol, relies heavily on its own alternative links and has its own blockchain public chain. In the process, IPFS adds an incentive layer, and “mining” on the Filecoin network has proven to be a solution for providing continuous rewards for stored content. As part of the proof-of-work operation, a random audit will respond with proof of recoverability and award winners accordingly. Such systems have their own big limitations. IPFS can only rely on their shared storage responsibilities with positive incentives.

Swarm uses all the features of smart contracts to handle registered nodes with shares deposited. Swarm can use punishment to intimidate. Swarm is a track-responsibility management mechanism that lets storage people take full responsibility for specific content.

3: From a security point of view

IPFS doesn’t guarantee storage, but Swarm enforces content-neutral behavior and also gives users the flexibility to adjust the security level of specific content. Juan has also said that he is adding something to Filecoin with the smart contract blockchain, but those ideas and plans have not been made public.

Swarm can automate collective effective auditing of little-visited content on the chain, and can handle final complaints against the blockchain as part of content insurance. By using paired billing protocols and deferred micropayments, you can save significant transaction costs while maintaining security. IPFS + Filecoin’s reliance on competitiely managed authentication means overusing the blockchain and essentially redundant the normal use of resources. With paired accounting, delayed payment, and collective auditing of all off-chain chains, Swarm reduces its reliance on a blockchain solely for registration and eventual litigation.

4: From a technical perspective

Swarm uses Ethereum P2P network for data security, authentication, P2P connection management, node management, etc. IPFS uses a similar advanced generic P2P solution, the libP2P network layer. Based on the development of mainstream BitTorrent DHT, the development of Devp2p is greatly inspired by libp2p from a historical perspective.

At present swarm BZZ coin main network is about to go online, airdrop will also end in the near future, because the main network online mining needs to pledge BZZ coins, the first time the source of BZZ coins can only be the airdrop phase of millions of BZZ coins, that is to say, the first time the main network when the whole network BZZ coins are very few and limited, BZZ future can be expected.

The Chia project is a public standard Bitcoin chain, and its main highlight is the introduction of a new Nakamoto consensus algorithm –” space-time verification “. The advantage of this verification mechanism is that it doesn’t consume a lot of power and dedicated hardware like bitcoin’s “proof of work.” It is an environmentally friendly alternative to the version. This method of validating blockchains through disk space and time greatly reduces hardware consumption, computing power and ASIC power, and makes it easier for ordinary users to participate.

Chia is the primary transaction function, and its tokens will be used in the future for actual financial use cases such as transfers and international payments. Based on this, Chia has its own development language, Chialisp, and added some original features such as multi-signature and atomic exchange, speed limit transaction wallet, colored coins, etc.

The Swarm project is not a common chain, but rather an Ethernet-based distributed storage and distribution network. Users can run cluster nodes like Ethernet nodes and connect to the cluster network, which we can compare to IPF and Filecoin during last year’s fire. Similarly, the files to be stored were broken up into chunks and assigned to the volunteers for storage. Those nodes that provide storage and services can receive tokens as rewards and compensation from nodes that need to store and retrieve data services.

Having experienced FIL and CHIA, BZZ is really looking forward to the importance of headmines in the current market.

Miners can basically eat a whole section of the bull market, from the head to the body to the tail, but the coin often eats the head and runs away or steps into the pit and loses everything (Zizz947).