The Ethereum storage project Swarm Foundation has officially announced that a new era is on the way with the official launch of the main network on June 21st!

Swarm was originally designed as a storage system for the Ethereum network, and as the project grew, “communication”, another part of the trinity, was gradually added to the mix. Swarm is arguably the integral part of what made Ethereum complete. Swarm offers a storage layer that integrates with Ethereum’s computing layer and Whisper’s secure messaging layer. Ethereum’s browser integrates Swarm, which makes it easier for regular Ethereum dApp users to interact with the protocol. The Ethereum network provides Swarm with a large audience and user base, and enables the protocol to scale more quickly and efficiently. Swarm Distributed Storage is designed to provide data storage, bandwidth and other resources for Ethereum applications. With the development of the Ethereum ecosystem, the data of the Ethereum chain is getting larger and larger. The success of Swarm and Ethereum in rethinking the way the web is structured will lead to a decentralized Web3.0 era in full swing, and the potential for the future is enormous. As the leading computing miner in distributed storage circuits, Linkcore is ready to embrace the new era of Swarm with the entire computing industry! / (hblan413)

All stages of the information collection are time sensitive and will expire at 23:59 CET. If you don’t meet a deadline, you won’t be able to move on.

① June 21: The airdrop activity ends and the trusted node is announced.

② June 21 – July 12: Cash all checks.

③ July 15: The official deployment of ABZZ token (airdropped BZZ) on Goerli network.

From July 15 to July 21: check your ABZZ balance on the official website. For multi-node wallet, the official website gives an integration plan. Register the drop to the main Goerli network.

⑤, July 22: Stop accepting air drop registration.

⑥, August 2: Every address that gets an ABZZ will receive an airdropped BZZ on the XDAI network. After receiving the BZZ, you can either run BEE nodes on the main network or deliver with Swarm network, or you can transfer the BZZ from XDAI to the main Ethernet network.

If you want to choose a stable and dependable mining machinery to provide, the most important thing is to see the company’s technical strength chain core cloud certificate company positioning: technical advantages! Mining enterprises focusing on block chain mining; / (hblan413)

1. Established in 2017, ERC20 (developed many public chains), the technical team is very familiar with the underlying logic of BZZ, and has been following up the optimization work to ensure that the version is always at the forefront, and the ticket rate is always the most stable. In Swarm6.2 version, tickets are still issued steadily. Strength guarantee!

2. The company has built several machine rooms by itself, which are distributed in various provinces and cities. All mining machines are optimal machines (storage machines are never assembled), and with the increase of cooperative investment customers, it is still introducing, purchasing and testing.

Cloud nodes (Ali cloud and Baidu cloud). Thousands of test network nodes have been built. Cloud nodes are the preferred nodes of Doghead Mine. If the first mine is not tangled, the physical miner can be pushed. The same exclusive mine can deploy all nodes within 3 days for permanent mining.

As early as in the SWARM test network millions of mining plan, drop chain core cloud card and entry layout and early on the depth of the project for inspection, the certificate chain core cloud before has successfully brought the FIL, CHIA dig minerals and good achievements and reputation in the industry, with all our customers make rich, dig in the plate has mature and the optimal mining solution, Truly allow you to achieve easy lying to earn! / (hblan413)