The target

  • The KOA project API interface automatically generates API documentation
  • Simple and does not require much configuration

The end of the

There are two main libraries

  • Render JSON file API data as Swagger UI with koA2-Swagger UI.
npm i koa2-swagger-ui -D
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const Koa = require('koa')
const swagger = require('koa2-swagger-ui')
const koa = new Koa()

    routePrefix: '/swagger'.// host at /swagger instead of default /docs
    swaggerOptions: {
      url: ''.// example path to json}})); app.listen(3000)

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  • Another library

The KOA2-Swagger-UI library needs to provide AN API JSON file. The Swagger-Jsdoc library can generate such JSON files from annotations. It’s over before it even started. It’s that simple.

Install the swagger – jsdoc

npm i swagger-jsdoc -D
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const swaggerJSDoc = require('swagger-jsdoc')
const swaggerDefinition = {
  info: {
    // API informations (required)
    title: 'Hello World'.// Title (required)
    version: '1.0.0'.// Version (required)
    description: 'A sample API'.// Description (optional)
  host: `localhost:3000`.// Host (optional)
  basePath: '/'.// Base path (optional)

const options = {
  apis: ['./routes/*.js'].// all api 

const swaggerSpec = swaggerJSDoc(options); // swaggerSpec is the generated API JSON
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Note that Swagger-docs generates JSON from comments in files under apis. So we need to write comments like this:


/** * @swagger * * /user/: * get: * description: get all users * produces: * - application/json * responses: * 200: * description: get all users */
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Can also have parameters, detailed writing method to see the official website examples. Swagger annotation

 /* parameters: * - name: username * description: Username to use for login. * in: formData * required: true * type: string * - name: password * description: User's password. * in: formData * required: true * type: string */
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To avoid maintaining this file separately, create a new route


route.get('/apijson'.async (ctx) => {
    ctx.body = swaggerSpec
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The corresponding koa2 swagger – UI swaggerOptions. Url to http://localhost:3000/apijson

Direct access to the http://localhost:3000/swagger can see the interface


Each module is simply broken down, the complete code on Github

  • ERPServer