Unit Test Introduction interview questions

Unit testing is regarded as a critical stage in software testing. Writing test cases is not easy for everyone and requires more practice, skill, and technique. You should join the JanBask-trained unit Test Certification program to learn all about unit testing and recommendations for writing strong test cases. Once you’ve completed the training, review this questionnaire to assess your current skill level. Let’s start with the basics; Then we’ll talk about senior staff. Finally, let’s look at some interview questions for the unit test.

Here are 10 important microprocessor 2021 interview questions and answers that are often asked during interviews. The questions are divided into two parts as follows.

Part 1 – Unit Test Interview Questions (Basics)

This first part includes basic interview questions and answers.

Q1. What is smoking?


In unit tests, we use mocking. An object you are testing may have other complex object dependencies. To isolate the behavior of the object you want to test, you substitute mocks for other objects that simulate the behavior of the real object. So mocking objects are created in a simple language that mimic the behavior of real objects.

Q2. What is a Stubbing?

Answer: a stub.

A stub is a small program routine that replaces a longer program, perhaps loaded later or remotely. For example, a remote procedure call (RPC) program is compiled with a stub that replaces the requested program. The stub accepts the request and then transfers it to the remote program (through another program). Once the program is complete, the result or other state is returned to the bottom layer, which transfers it to the application.

Q3. What is code coverage?

A: Code coverage.

Code coverage is a measure that determines the number of lines of code that have been successfully validated during testing and helps analyze how deeply the software has been validated. Of course, the ultimate goal of any software company is to develop software products for the enterprise. However, in order to achieve this goal, companies must ensure that all basic quality characteristics of the software they develop are accurate, maintainable, effective, trustworthy, and secure.

Q4. Could you give a brief introduction to unit testing?

A: Unit testing is a method of testing.

Unit testing is a method of testing a unit, the smallest piece of code in the system that can be logically isolated. In most programming languages, this is a function, a subroutine, a procedure, or a property. This single part of the definition is significant. In his book “Working Effectively with Legacy Code, “author Michael Feathers says that tests are not unit tests when relying on external systems: “If you talk to the database, you talk over the network, you touch the file system, you need a system configuration, or you can’t run with any other tests at the same time.”

Q5. How to check timeout tests and write some code?


Here is the code from which we can check the timeout tests

@Test (timeout=10) Public void infinity(){ While(true); }

Part 2 – Unit Test Interview Questions (Advanced)

Now let’s look at advanced interview questions and answers.

Q6. What is branch coverage?

A: Branch coverage is a test method that ensures that no problems arise during testing.

Branch coverage is a test method to ensure that all access code can be executed at least once for each potential branch from each decision point. In other words, each branch is both right and wrong. In addition, it helps to validate all branches in the code to ensure that no branches will cause the application to behave abnormally.

Q7. What are the advantages of unit testing?

A: Unit testing has many advantages.

Unit testing has many advantages, some of which are that UT simplifies debugging. Whether you use C#, Python, Java, JavaScript, or PHP, UT forces you to have better code and design. This means that you have a well-defined, cohesive code. With unit testing and good unit testing tools, the total cost of the project will be reduced. Finding bugs early means fewer late fixes, which are more likely to cause problems than late fixes.

Q8. Who can do unit testing?

A: Who can do unit testing?

Developers typically do unit testing during the development phase. At the same time, if developers are busy with other development tasks, unit testing is usually done by automation engineers and QA specialists.

Q9. How to avoid unit test cases?


It helps to avoid long classes, programs, functions, and so on when doing unit test cases. You don’t need long code, but the functionality of each widget needs to be tested step by step. It makes it easy to develop large applications.

Q10. List some of the different coverage code techniques

Answer: Yes.

The following is a list of covered code techniques

  1. Condition covering
  2. Statement coverage
  3. Decision coverage
  4. Branch coverage

Q11. What does the term “refactoring” mean?

Answer: refactoring.

You can use this technique if you want to modify any existing code. It is usually done in small steps, where code changes are not functional or logical changes. It also helps correct mistakes.


In this article, we have seen interview questions related to unit testing. We hope you found this article helpful in cracking interviews. I wish you all the best.

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The postUnit testing interview questionsappeared first onEDUCBA.