1. The margin problem of Image component

This is a very common problem. Add display: block to the image; Or display: flex; Can be

2. Configure the domain name environment

Description: The development of our project requires dynamic switching experience and formal three environments

const env = {
    release: 'apiUrl1'./ / formal version
    trial: 'apiUrl2'./ / experience
    develop: 'apiUrl3' / / development version
export const baseUrl = env[__wxConfig.envVersion]
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3.value below was evaluated just now

Description: I'm using uniApp, and I'm changing a complex array in computed through console.log and eval.

4. Failed to set a horn

Wx.settabbarbadge () cannot be called without tabBar

5. Hidden failure

  • Hidden controls display and hiding by changing display to see if the element CSS has a display attribute
  • Cannot be set on the block tag

6. Roll through

 <view catchtouchmove="stopTouch"> Scroll layer </view>//JS
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7. Cloud development payment callback executes repeatedly

Because the cloud function executed after payment does not return as required, the cloud function executed after payment callback returns as required

return {
    errcode: 0,
    errmsg: 'ok'
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8. Input component placeholder add icon

First go to Ali iconFONT generate iconfont download into the project, the introduction of iconFONT

// some people refer to iconfont icon-xxx directly in placeholder-class. // uniapp <textarea class="input-area iconfont" style="font-size: 28rpx;" :placeholder=" '\ue612 <textarea class="input-area iconfont" style="font-size: 14px; 28rpx;" Placeholder ="{{placeholder}}" maxLength ="10" /> data: {{placeholder: '\ue612 '}Copy the code