Git operation command, according to this operation will not appear code coverage and other problems.
Pull before Commit!
Git Stash cache local changes
Git pull –rebase the latest code
Git Stash pop pops the locally cached code
Git commit -m ‘commit XXX’ commit changes
Git push pushes code to remote libraries
2\. Precautions for modifying common components
To modify public components, remember to avoid introducing bugs, so to achieve functional compatibility, if the implementation of public components is not completely clear, the current stage can be achieved by copying components, and then merge or modify public components after the overall function is familiar, the current stage can tolerate part of the code repetition.
3\. Code to avoid null undefined error processing
Function arguments have default values
function fun(arg1=5, arg2=true) {
Deconstruction object behind the default or an empty object: const {a, b} = object | | {}
Array cycle or an empty array: (array | | []). The map (item = > {})
4\. Code debugging considerations

To be continued…