A, uni – app

Github Uni-app is a unified front-end framework for developing applets, H5 and APPS using vue. js. Developers write code using Vue syntax, and uni-App framework compiles it to mini program (wechat/Alipay/Baidu/Bytedance /QQ/ Ding-Ding), APP (iOS/Android), H5 and other platforms to ensure it works correctly and achieves a great experience.


  • Developers and more cases: HBuilder installed 5 million units, developer community monthly live million, more than 70 QQ wechat

  • The group carries 100,000 people. There are so many cases that UNI estimates 1 billion live a month

  • Higher performance (see metrics)

  • Richer surrounding ecology, thousands of plug-ins in the plug-in market

  • Provide better development experience and higher engineering efficiency than small program native development

  • Cross-end flatness is more perfect, and the characteristics of each end are more flexible, which can truly achieve a set of code multi-end coverage, without multi-end maintenance and upgrade

  • Authoritative recognition: Uni-App is built into the official tool of Ali Mini program, and the official self-made uni-App training video of Tencent Classroom


Second, the wepy

Wepy (pronounced: /’wepi/) is a framework for component-based development of applets. By means of precompilation, developers can choose their own development style to develop applets. Framework details optimization, Promise, Async Functions are introduced to make developing small program projects easier and more efficient.

WePY is also a growing framework that borrows a lot of design ideas and ideas from optimized front-end tools and frameworks. If WePY falls short, or if you have a better idea, feel free to submit an ISSUE or PR.


  • Class Vue development style

  • Support custom component development

  • Supports importing NPM packages

  • Supporting Promise

  • Supports ES2015+ features, such as Async Functions

  • Support a variety of compilers, Less/Sass/Stylus/PostCSS, Babel/Typescript, Pug

  • Support a variety of plug-in processing, file compression, image compression, content replacement and so on

  • Support Sourcemap, ESLint, etc

  • Small program details optimization, such as request queuing, event optimization, etc


Third, mpvue

Github (personally feel is the most like vue framework) Meituan team open source a use vue.js development micro channel small program front-end framework. Using this framework, developers will get a complete vue.js development experience, while providing the ability to reuse code for H5 and applets.


  • Radical componentized development capabilities: improved code reuse

  • Complete vue.js development experience

  • Convenient Vuex data management solution: Easy to build complex applications

  • Quick WebPack build mechanism: custom build strategy, hotReload during development

  • Support for using NPM external dependencies

  • Use vue-CLI command line tool vue.js to quickly initialize the project

  • H5 code conversion ability to compile into small program object code


Four, taro

Http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github http://www.github It adopts the same componentization idea as React, and maintains the same component life cycle as React. Meanwhile, it supports the use of JSX syntax to make the code more expressive. Use Taro to develop the same development experience as React. In addition to h5, react can also be compiled as ReactNative. Taro is an open cross-end cross-framework solution that supports the use of React/Vue/Nerv frameworks to develop wechat/JD.com/Baidu/Alipay/Bytedance/QQ mini program /H5 and other applications.


  • Framework to support

    1. React/Nerv support. Use the full React/Nerv development experience in Taro 3

    2. Vue support, available in Taro 3 for a full Vue development experience

  • Multi-terminal conversion support. The original intention of Taro program is to create a multi-development solution. Currently Taro 3 can support conversion to wechat/JINGdong/Baidu/Alipay/Bytedance /QQ mini program and H5 terminal


Five, the other

Redux, Megalo, Kbone, MPX

GitHub star number can not catch up with the front of the odd… I prefer uni-App, mainly for the following reasons: Vue class, GitHub is more active, the number of cross-platforms is the most, taro is also good, but taro is taro3 started to support Vue, before react, I feel his React framework is more mature, while I am more familiar with Vue. I also feel that uni-App, a single piece of code running on multiple platforms at the same time, is the future of the front-end.

A different framework and native evaluation: www.cnblogs.com/cangqinglan…