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Edit shortcut keys

Edit class shortcut keys introduce
psvm + Tab Generate the main method
sout + tab Generate output statement
Ctrl+X / Ctrl + Y To delete a line
Ctrl+D Copy one line
Ctrl + / or Ctrl + Shift + / Commented code
Ctrl + Z undo
Ctrl + Shift + Z Cancel to cancel the
Ctrl + C copy
Ctrl + V paste
Ctrl + O Overriding methods
Ctrl + I Implementation method
Ctr + shift + U Case conversion
Ctrl + Shift + J Integrate the two actions in one line
Ctrl + Shift + space Automatic code completion
Alt + enter Import package, automatic correction
Alt + / Code hinting
Alt + Insert Generate code (such as GET,SET methods, constructors, etc.)
Ctrl + Alt + L Formatting code
Ctrl + Alt + I Automatic indentation
Ctrl + Alt + T Generate a try catch
Ctrl + Alt + O Optimize imported classes and packages
fori Generates a for loop for (int I = 0; i< ;
iter Generate an enhanced for loop
itar Generates an array for code block
itit Generate iterator iterations
itli Generates a traversal of List
itco Generating a Collection iteration

Find and replace shortcut keys

Find and replace class shortcuts introduce
Ctrl + F Search in the current file
Ctrl + Shift + F Find text throughout the project or in a specified window
Ctrl + N Look for classes in your project
Ctrl + Shift + N Find files
Ctrl + R Text replacement in the current file
Ctrl + Shift+R Replaces text in the specified window
Ctrl + W Automatically selects code syntactically
Ctrl + Shift + W Automatically selects code syntactically in reverse
Ctrl + G Positioning line
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace Jumps to last edited location
Ctrl + alt + ←/→ Jump back and forth to edited places
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N Find variables/methods
Alt + F7 Find all references to your function or variable or class
Alt + F3 Highlight all the selected text, press Enter to select the next one, and press Esc to highlight and disappear
F4 Look up the source of the variable in the current class
Ctrl + Shift + F7 Highlight all the selected text and press Esc to highlight and disappear
Double-click on the Shift Find anything

3. Compile and run class shortcut keys

Compile and run class shortcuts introduce
Ctrl + F9 Compile the project
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Compile the current file
Shift + F10 Normal boot
Alt + Shift + F10 The Run option menu is displayed
Shift + F9 Start in Debug mode
Alt + Shift + F9 Select the Debug

4. Debug shortcut

The Debug shortcuts introduce
F7 In Debug mode, enter the body of the current method if the current line breakpoint is a method, not the inline method if the method body has other methods
Shift + F7 Intelligence into
Alt + Shift + F7 Forced into
F8 In Debug mode, the current method body is not entered if the current line breakpoint is a method
Shift + F8 Step out
Alt + Shift + F8 Mandatory step over
alt + F8 In Debug mode, select view value
Ctrl + Shift + F8 Check the breakpoint
F9 In Debug mode, the program is restarted. Stop at the next breakpoint if the code below that breakpoint still has a breakpoint
Alt +F9 Run to the cursor position
Ctrl + Alt+ F9 Force run to cursor
Alt + F10 Locating the breakpoint

5. Refactor shortcut keys

Refactoring shortcuts introduce
Shift + F6 rename
Ctrl + Alt + C Extraction of constants
Ctrl + Alt + F Extraction of field
Ctrl + Alt + M Extraction method
Ctrl + Alt + P Extraction parameters
Ctrl + Alt + V Extract variable

Other shortcut keys

Other shortcut keys introduce
Ctrl + C Copy file name
Ctrl + Shift + C The full path to copy the file
Ctrl + E Displays the most recently opened file
Ctrl + Shift + E Pop-up layer that displays a list of recently modified files
Ctrl + P Method Parameter Prompt
Ctrl + Q You can see the declaration of the current method
Ctrl + Alt + Space Class name or interface name prompt
Ctrl + F12 Displays the structure of the current file
Ctrl + H Displays the structure diagram of the current class
Ctrl + Q Display comment document information
Shift + Shift Pop up the Search Everywhere pop-up layer to find any content
Ctrl + [ Move the cursor to the beginning of the curly brace of the current code
Ctrl + ] Move the cursor to the end of the curly brace in the current code
Ctrl + K Version control submits an item that has been added to version control before it can be used
Ctrl + T Version control update project, the project must be added to version control to be able to use
Ctrl + Tab Switch to the edit window. If you press Delete again during the switchover, the selected window will be closed