Author: Jiu Mozhi

An overview of the

How time flies! I remember that I graduated from school in 16 years, and now I have been working for five years. I have worked in different companies of different sizes. Recently, I successfully completed a job-hopping to increase my salary and interviewed several companies. Now I am here to share with you, hoping that it will be helpful to you.


No matter what industry you’re in, your resume is a very important thing to have when you go to an interview. It’s your business card tag. HR or interviewers will select candidates’ resumes to a good level. Your resume is the one you meet with them, so how good and attractive your resume is can make or break you at the starting line.

When we have the idea of job interview, we should first make a clean and attractive resume for ourselves. We can find some excellent templates to fill in one of our skills and project experience.

Reference Template:

The recommended length for a resume is two pages, too long or too short is not good.

It is suggested to replace understanding and mastery with mastery and proficiency.

If necessary reference can go directly to my lot address: access to consult.

In the process of making a resume, you can also do the review of the preliminary knowledge points of the interview at the same time, so as to ensure that you can successfully pass the questions in the interview.

Brush the topic

Algorithm problem can be said to be now looking for a job must brush. However, according to my interview experience, algorithm questions generally asked or less, there are some companies are basic don’t ask algorithm.

Of course, if you encounter bytes, Kuaishou every round to ask the algorithm of the company, if the algorithm can not get the offer is a pity.

Algorithm is like the ancient poetry of the college entrance examination language writing, not many points, but lost it is a pity.

According to my experience, probably yes, mastering 100 questions is enough for the interview.

Of course, complete mastery requires repeated practice, not a brush can be.

I’m also looking for some of the most frequently asked questions Android has been asking in recent years about some of the projects I’ve worked on. Because of the frequent questions asked in recent years, the whole issue is more important and key; Second, I have done some project-related questions. This is what the interviewer wants to know, from which you can test how deep you know about your project. In the extended question is to test whether you have considered factors such as project optimization before.

The interview process

Next is the company’s face, share out for your reference.

Company A side

  1. The custom view
  2. Handler mechanism
  3. Componentization and plug-in
  4. The source code of a HashMap
  5. What design patterns are used for retrofit and OKHTTP source code
  6. NDK static library and dynamic library compilation process
  7. OpenGL rendering mode
  8. What are the differences between animations in Android
  9. Talk about MVVM

Company A second interview

  1. What is the responsibility of the previous project? What is the structure of the business
  2. What design patterns have been used, what thorny problems have been encountered in the project, and how have they been solved?

Company A is on three sides

This is what HR said, ask the general situation of the previous company and other questions

How you feel: You should be familiar with what is written on your resume. The basic interviewer will ask you based on your resume. I also sorted out my previous projects, organized the language well in advance, and explored the shining points of the project.

B company side

  1. Java references, and reference queues, and usage scenarios
  2. Container loading
  3. LeakCanary
  4. map
  5. On-line performance monitoring
  6. A problem with SharedPrefrence
  7. The handwriting algorithms

B Company 2 interview

  1. Handler
  2. Interprocess communication
  3. serialization
  4. animation
  5. Native crash capture principle
  6. Questions based on projects
  7. Click event principle of Recyclerview
  8. Start an empty APK and start several threads
  9. The handwriting algorithms

B Company on three sides

  1. Job-hopping reason
  2. Original Company size
  3. Expected salary
  4. Personal advantage


2. Get familiar with the project and find out some features that can be talked about. 3. Crash capture, and resolution (Java,native) 4. Optimization needs to know (big factory will ask) 5. 6. If you want a high salary, you must be more job-hopping, generally large factory wages are limited, the highest increase of 30 percent, unless you are special cowhide

C company side

  1. MediaCodec serial: MediaCodec reported an error with only the error code and no other information. How to solve this problem? What are the problems with MediaCodec? What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous use?
  2. How do you calculate audio frames? How big is an audio frame
  3. YUV basic knowledge, compared to RGB reduced how much space, YUV each component is 0 actually render out what color, NV21 and NV12 what is the difference
  4. How does MP4 store audio and video files? What is its structure
  5. OpenSL related issues, how to use. What can I do and what can I not do
  6. Combine project issues

C Company 2 interview

OpenGL ES related questions, MVP matrix left and right multiply what difference, what is external texture, why called external 3.OpenGL how to render a View 4.VBO is used for what to solve what problem 5. Ask questions about the project

C Three sides of company

1. What is the structure of the project? How and why is it designed this way? How do you study at ordinary times

Feel: Audio and video development feel OpenGL ES ask more

D Company side

1. Which projects used hook technology and how to achieve it? 2. 4. The difference between HashMap in Java7 and Java8, why introduce red-black tree

D Company 2 interview

1. How the project was built and what technical points were used 2. What technical points were used by Arouter and what problems were solved 3. 5. How to lead the team

Feeling: When asked about the points that you are not familiar with, you can try your best to bring the points that you are familiar with. For example, when I was asked how PMS manages package information before, I said that I did not have a deep understanding of PMS, and I mainly studied AMS. Then just say what you know.

The overall feeling

Graduation choice is a not a line of giant company, working here nearly two years, a lot of amateur study Android related professional knowledge (because not busy), but due to the business, and company development has been in decline, I on the project experience is lacking, so consider into a giant continue to hone sharpening.

The interview also revealed some problems of mine, the most important one being my lack of experience in business projects. Fortunately, most of the companies I interviewed passed the interview, probably because I was good at Android. Interview is also a way to quickly find out your shortcomings and shortcomings, so that you can better improve yourself.

About the algorithm questions: I feel a little confused and hate to brush questions. I only wrote all the easy questions in the hot 100 of Offer and Leetcode, as well as a few medium questions. The total number of questions is estimated to be less than 100. During the interview, I felt that the algorithm was not so difficult. Maybe it was just luck.

In addition, you can make some highlights of your own, so there are some involved in the above interview, and the interviewer was very happy to chat.

The last

I would like to share with you some Android development related learning documents, interview questions, Android core notes and other documents collected and reviewed in the early stage of the interview, hoping to help you learn and improve, if you need reference, you can directly go to my GitHub address: access to reference.

Well, for the time being, I can only think of these. If THERE are other things to supplement, I wish all the students who want to find a job can go to their favorite company and have a bright future!