Time is not wasted, creation is not stopped, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest”

This winter in Beijing is a little colder than before. I have put on a down jacket and thermal pants to protect me from the cold wind. Windy sky, will be particularly blue, as people’s mood as carefree. On a windless day, it would be embarrassing, as pollution would creep in and smog envelops the capital. Therefore, I like the windy day in Beijing in winter very much. Although it is cold, the person blowing is refreshing and the cool person is thorough.

Autumn in Beijing is really short. I work in fengtai Science park, where there are many plane trees and ginkgo trees. Ginkgo biloba leaves in the past will be very thorough yellow, look everywhere, golden, very spectacular. But this year, ginkgo has not yellow thorough, with a wave of cold wave of invasion, ginkgo compromise, flight general, overnight full of golden trees, the wind and fall.

Parasol tree that was frozen withered leaves, a large large, although unwilling, but also had to sway with the wind, leaving only bare branches, whispering softly in the wind, telling the luxuriant foliage, telling the cycle of a year. If trees had memories, they would probably tell their experiences of the year to their companions at the end of each year to make a year-end summary.

Summary We are all used to summary, there will be weekly summary, monthly summary, quarterly summary, year-end summary at work. Conclusion, like in the struggle for their own year and the end of the year, write a rather ceremonial sense of the farewell speech. It’s like the principal’s speech. I’m going to say a few words, and then I don’t know how many.

Every time I write an article or write a public account, I always think it will condense into a fruit, and I don’t want to care whether it is sour or sweet, as long as it is my own efforts.

My Middle Age Now, my mother is asleep in the second bedroom, where the unique smell of instant Pills wafts out. My mother had a heart condition, and she had to take life-saving pills all year round, especially at night before she went to bed.

My son that one year old, at 9 o ‘clock, I winked at the eye of the babble ah ah, can not speak but we know that Shouting to eat milk. At nearly 170 milliliters, he turned his head and fell asleep, ignoring how much milk was left in the bottle. The baby was already snoring. My daughter-in-law, watching me typing on the computer just now, brought an orange, broke it and ate it with me. She also went back to bed, probably still lying looking at her phone, thinking about buying diapers for her child or something.

Every morning when I get up, I gently get out of bed, change clothes in the living room, wash and clean, open the door of the second bedroom, see my mother wake up to say hello or still asleep on the door. Go to the master bedroom, crawl up to your baby and kiss him on the forehead. Then go to the kitchen to pick up the garbage bags that need to be thrown away and take them to the garbage station.

As he closes the door, he gently tugs at the doorknob with one finger to tell himself that he really did lock the door. As a matter of fact, I broke the door handle when I was trying to lock the door. Later, I spent more than 100 yuan to have a new door handle replaced by a new door handle during maintenance. From then on, I used one finger to lock the door instead of pulling the door with one hand.

This is my family life now. Now I am such a complete middle-aged man, a middle-aged man with an old man, a child, a full-time daughter-in-law with a baby. Life is actually very poor.

However, it was impossible for me to tell my mother about my current situation, which would only add to her psychological burden. As soon as my mother ran out of medicine, I would immediately order Meituan, and within half an hour the little brother would knock on the door to deliver medicine.

You see, I’ve learned to take responsibility now. That’s maturity, if you will.

This is the year I became a father and with my cub coming into the world at the end of ’20, I’m going to be a father, too. I feel like I’m not just a man anymore, I’m gonna be a father. Suddenly, to be responsible for the growth of a baby, adult, talent, this feeling, in fact, very wonderful.

At first, when I took the baby home, the little boy’s big, ignorant eyes looked around, although it was hard to see. The little flesh whir, scratch to scratch, I dare not speak loudly, and even sneeze to suppress the quilt. I don’t want to scare him.

Cute little guy, is really too cute, every day to listen to his babble, heart melt. But in fact, I was also very tired. Basically from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, I did not sleep a complete sleep. In the first half of the year, my child was still young, so I had to wake up and feed twice every night.

Now a year old, SiWuDian night sometimes in the morning, he started whining, in order not to let his singing, I also sleep up again, have to give him milk up quickly, little splash splash after eating, hum, no longer lie on the bed began quietly brewing a sleep.

With the child, there is a worry in my heart. Every day, I like to ask his mother to send me a small video, watching the child can sit, can crawl, can take things into the mouth, can pull the edge of the bed to stand up, one skill one skill learning, step by step growth, as a father, I am really happy.

With children, the home of the lovely little toys are more and more, cars, small balls, small dinosaur toys, seahorses, lobsters, and all kinds of baby learning knowledge cards, books, really and no children before life, completely different.

Children at home, yammering yammering, all feel that the house is no longer cold and lonely, become very warm, even their own life feel meaningful.

That year my sister passed away one afternoon in mid-March of this year, while I was still attending the company’s anniversary celebration. Suddenly I got a phone call from my uncle. I see is two uncle’s phone, certainly no good thing, not my mother is my grandmother’s body condition, but I did not think it is my elder sister.

I received a phone call, I quickly asked my second uncle who is, my second uncle said that my mother fell ill, and then inform my sister to visit my mother. As a result, my sister rode her bike home and had a heart attack and left on the spot. My mom was taking an ambulance to county hospital. Things were as messy as they could get. Phew.

Later, I finally connected the video with my mother, sitting on the hospital bed, her tears flowing in the wrinkles and folds of thousands of faces, the pain of the white hair to send the black hair, condensation on the face. I kept telling my mom in the video not to get excited. That night I chartered a car and rushed to my sister’s house. In the car, I looked out of the window thinking of my sister, burst into tears, AH, I did not care about the driver next to, crying, the master handed me a tissue, and then also comfort me.

Later that night, I slept in my brother’s car, afraid to turn on the air conditioner in case of carbon monoxide poisoning. It was cold, really cold, and I wrapped myself in my brother’s coat, still shivering, and made do all night.

At dawn, it began to rain, and it was very cold. During those two days at home, AFTER my eldest sister’s funeral, I wanted to bring my mother to Beijing. But my mother said, after all, my sister just left, let’s come to Beijing later.

I never thought I’d be leaving my eldest sister at such an age. She’s only 45. But there are some warning signs. My sister is overweight and clumsy. She also lacks exercise and does not pay attention to her diet. In addition, she often goes into shock due to emotional excitement, so she takes medicine for years. Therefore, the usual daily physical examination, diet and rest, or pay more attention to ah.

When I was young, my parents rode bicycles to the market to do a small business. My sister chose to drop out of school in order to take care of me, so I grew up on her back. She has been very fond of me since I was a child. It is true that the elder sister is like a mother. From now on, I will mourn my sister every March.

I can’t write too sad, I want to hide my sadness in my heart, and I can’t talk to my mother about my elder sister’s past in front of her, so that my mother will not be sad and excited. I will learn to endure, I will learn to hide things in my heart.

Before November 7th this year, I have been paying attention to the strong cold current, saying that there will be a strong wave of temperature drop and heavy snow in Beijing and Hebei. So on the 5th, I hurriedly told my mother to prepare to come down to Beijing, the hometown is going to snow. Let my mother find someone to do nucleic acid testing, and to register good health treasure, my mother also bought 1000 yuan of medicine.

In fact, every time my mother to Beijing are like moving, the mentality of the old man is to be able to take some more, to Beijing can buy less, to relieve some of my burden, the things in my hometown and cheap. Can I worry about is, take things too much, my mother get on the bus is not convenient, in case of carrying things very heavy, and anxious to get on the bus, coronary heart disease and attack can do.

In this way, every time I come to Beijing, I have a tug of war with my mother. My mother said to bring garlic, I said to bring 4-5, my mother will bring more than 10, is the home to bring. My mother said at home still have cabbage to take, I say not to take, then my mother take 1 cabbage. My mother said do I need to take the quilt? I said, please, don’t take it. There are quilts in Beijing, but I didn’t take them this time, but I took some clothes.

Now I feel my mother by my side, I feel very comfortable, she alone in the hometown, I really worried. Although every day there are neighbors aunts to visit, chat with my mother, but AFTER all, I can’t see. In Beijing, my mother cooks some food every day and I can still eat.

I know that when people get old, they need the company of their children, and they can also take care of serious illness and minor emotion. I think I am happy now that I have the company of my own children and elderly people. Although there are old people, there are children. A pile of pressure, burden, I need to work hard to carry, hard to carry, but I have the confidence, determination, must carry up, go on.

Beijing under a heavy snow this time Beijing’s heavy snow, to some earlier than in previous years, but also some fierce. On Saturday, the night after my mother arrived in Beijing, snow began to fall in the downtown area. The next morning, when I got up, I felt a chill. I opened the curtains and saw the ground and the trees outside, all white. Knock on my mom’s bedroom door and tell her it’s snowing.

My mother stood up and looked out of the window, her face full of surprise and happiness. Fortunately, came to Beijing one day in advance, Beijing 10 days in advance of the heating, the house has been warm can wear long Johns. But in my hometown, even though we have heat in our house, the ENVIRONMENTAL Protection Bureau won’t let us have fire. I did not change the furnace gas in my home. So this winter, if you’re at home, it’s going to be very cold.

I am more like snow, always like to look out of the window rustling snow, falling down, on the ground fell layer after layer. People say, mo Tao clothes colorless, can warm the heart. Snowflakes, gave us infinite reverie. Auspicious snow promises good harvest, is the wish of year after year’s harvest ah.

Across from the door of my flat, there was a small flower bed with a dozen trees in it. One of them is a persimmon tree. There are twelve red persimmon trees, hanging on the branches, particularly eye-catching. Do not know who is planted, also do not pick the persimmon down, of course, the persimmon long position is very high, have 3 stories as high as the building. It’s not that easy to take off. Every morning, I would stop for a moment in front of the kitchen, look out the window, and then see a handful of persimmons, like lanterns, hanging there, very happy.

However, just recently, one day I looked out of the window, suddenly found two big magpies on the persimmon tree, chirping. The magpie’s big feet, which are very bold, live on two branches next to a flattened persimmon. They are actually in leisurely and complacent eating that persimmon, I was angry, I have coveted for a long time of persimmon ah, but was enjoyed by these two magpies. At that moment, I really broke down inside.

But this is the law of nature, I can not go to intervene, let the magpie eat persimmon bar, so they have to eat will not starve.

Conclusion Middle-aged people will indeed face various pressures, I also really feel. Every time, my mom says I’m tired of looking at you, AND I say what can I do? That’s life. Yeah, what can I do? The problem is that I can’t escape, I can’t avoid, and I have to work hard to face what I have to face.

This is my year-end summary, the joy and sorrow of life, in this year have tasted. Clap your chest, stand out your chest and shout: come on! Middle-aged people. That’s it. Stick with it.