4. Management space of private traffic

I mentioned the importance of private traffic to a platform, but if a platform allows private traffic to grow unchecked, it will most likely affect the platform’s experience and business interests. Therefore, in the future, there should be a boundary in the business space of private domain traffic, and this boundary is the regulatory scope of platform similar to wechat.

Below, we take wechat and other platforms as examples for interpretation:

1) Set behavioral red lines

  • Control pyramid selling: a wechat signal can add 5000 friends, many enterprises use wechat’s huge social network to form radiation. In a multi-layered pyramid structure, if one person develops 5000 downlines, the amount of private domain traffic that one enterprise can control is astronomical. However, wechat will strictly control the multi-level distribution structure of this “pyramid scheme”.

It’s brutally simple and effective: with or without entry fees, headcounts, and team payouts, no more than two layers of distribution are allowed to minimize the possibility of problems. Little Black Dress (Tencent investment) and gathered were punished successively, are violating the red line of this platform regulation.

  • No fission: A few years ago, wechat cracked down on companies such as Meilishuo and Mushroom Street for inducing sharing. On May 13, 2019, the wechat Security Center issued a notice on the Treatment of Clocking in the moments of friends with inducement of gain, prohibiting users from sharing and spreading external chain content or articles on wechat public accounts through interest temptation. Fission is the model advocated by the popular “growth hacking” in 2018, but wechat has made it clear that it will not give this space.
  • Crack down on plugins: using plugins to raise numbers has been an open secret in the flow of private areas, which is also banned by the wechat platform.

Plugins not only produce a large number of malicious marketing activities, but also produce fraud and other criminal risks, and affect the user’s social experience. On June 18, 2019, wechat Security Center issued a Notice on cracking down on “wechat Marketing” plugins, reaffirming wechat’s attitude of severely cracking down on plugins.

In other words, want to do private domain flow, can, but must be true true “living person”.

2) Collect private domain traffic

When the brand establishes traffic in the private domain, it achieves the effect of disintermediation, which is equivalent to making an OTT (over the top) on the platform, directly leading to the loss of interests of the platform that relies on traffic selling. This kind of case has appeared in the early stage of micro-blog operation, there is a saying that: micro-blog has not made money, the big VS have made a lot of money. Therefore, in the face of the rise of private domain traffic, the platform began to counter, the main means is to accept private domain traffic.

The MCN mode is promoted by Xiaohongshu, which is actually the cleaning of private traffic. On May 10, 2019, Xiaohongbook officially released the Upgrade Instructions for brand Partners platform. The new regulations not only raised the standards for brand partners (who can receive advertisements), but also required those qualified brand partners to sign real-name contracts with official content cooperation organizations (MCN), otherwise they would not be able to receive orders. Some individual bloggers who have not signed a contract will see a pop-up prompt in the system when they log in to Xiaohongshu, asking them to sign a contract with the MCN organization in a timely manner, while the MCN organization mentioned in the prompt only has the official “Hongwen”. At the same time, the new rules also increase the crackdown on private orders. All of these moves are intended to create a state in which private traffic still exists, but economic benefits return to the public domain.

From this point of view, such as Han, Jasmine and other big MCN will inevitably usher in a bigger tuyere.

3) Traffic penetration in public and private domains

Some of the big platforms have long devised a more elegant “gameplay” that allows and pushes traffic into the private domain, but also devises a mechanism that allows traffic from the private domain to flow back into the public domain, allowing the two domains to penetrate. In fact, the monopoly flow is not the value of the public domain, the public domain can not meet the personalized needs, will naturally flow to the private domain; But public domain still has its unique value, private domain also cannot replace.

The real value of the public domain lies in:

  • The scope of goods control is larger: it can meet the one-stop needs of users and promote the “scale”. Just like the promotion of shopping malls, without the support of Alibaba platform, which brand can do the “Double 11”?
  • Deeper data precipitation, more advanced algorithm, which is also based on goods control. Private domain can only be mastered by the user’s limited label, the reason is that the user’s label is not automatically formed, but formed in the process of interaction with the goods.

For example, the traces of users’ behaviors such as browsing, choosing and repurchasing of goods reveal users’ consumption ability, preference, interest and decision-making style. And with so much data to sink in, platform algorithms will become more advanced through machine learning, widening the gap between public and private domains.

In fact, the brand should also be clear: their private domain flow pool unless there is a steady flow of inflow, otherwise it will only be more and more closed. After being harvested a few times, private traffic pools may slowly become inactive and turn into weak social ties. Just like a pool, if the water does not go in and out, it will become stagnant water. It must be connected with the external water source to achieve eternal inexhaustible. Therefore, the private domain traffic also needs to return to the public domain of the large platform to promote the development of new user demand, because the platform is always in control of goods.

The battle between platforms and brands in terms of public and private traffic seems to be an attack and counterattack, but in fact it is a daily interaction between a pair of lovers. In the end, neither can live without the other.

5. How does a brand build its private domain traffic from scratch

The important role of private sector traffic has been important, both before and during the current pandemic. As we all know, as everyone stays indoors, it is inevitable that offline physical stores will be impacted. Faced with the loss of customer traffic, and rent costs, labor costs are still there, businesses will certainly not sit still, visible is the focus on online businesses. In addition to the common e-commerce platform, live platform to sell goods, is to play private domain flow.

Especially at a time when dividends are peaking and the cost of acquiring customers is high, it is a breeze to acquire privately. After all, the current is “the flow of the world”, madmen think that the brand how to create private flow mainly has the following three points:

1) Technology platform, establish their own APP

APP is a portal for companies in the era of mobile Internet. The public knows that in the PC era to build an enterprise portal website, then in the mobile era, enterprises must have their own portal APP, especially large enterprises, big brands. If you don’t have an APP of your own in the mobile age, you’ve been purged.

In terms of traffic flow, enterprises must develop their own APP, establish user connection and use APP to establish their own private domain traffic pool.

2) Content platform (i.e. official account, Toutiao, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, etc.)

Do content platform must plan from three aspects: link, spread, sell goods. Do content platform focus on the establishment of user connection, with the help of each content platform, to create their own private domain flow pool.

Enterprises need to build content platform matrix, that is to say, each content platform with link value, which has become the focus of target users, should be used, so with the help of content platform, to create their own brand of private domain flow pool is also a top priority.

3) Community platform, mainly represented by wechat

The flow pool value of wechat is very large: the three modules of public account, wechat circle of friends and wechat group all have very strong flow pool value. In the current community communication environment, people based on wechat public number, will be more effective than the previous advertising communication. Therefore, from a certain point of view, wechat public number is a very valuable private domain flow pool.

The development of mobile Internet brings us a new very important marketing value tool — private domain traffic pool; Future marketing must be based on business flow marketing change; Learning to manage private domain traffic is a required course for all enterprises and brand owners.

6. Seven new modes of private traffic

It was thought that it would be at least until the end of 2020 to see the next big iteration of private domain traffic gameplay, but at the beginning of the year, thanks to the push brought by the pandemic crisis, upgrades and iterations came faster than expected, with new gameplay and new combinations emerging in an endless stream.

See real and social electricity industry leader tencent advertising, nEqual million families, and their Allies a +, YY, have a great, easy to make, rabbit, micro sheng qi micro housekeeper heavyweights such as partners, to comb the latest style, found that enterprises in the face of crisis, playing out at least 7 different kinds of new style, the effective flow of private domain.

1) Live broadcast + community + small program + private domain traffic

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, many retail entities have accelerated their entry into online private e-commerce, and promoted offline stores through online livestreamed e-commerce and community marketing, thus increasing customer flow and sales. This has almost become the urgent need for physical enterprises to seek growth. The combination of “live broadcast + small program + community + private domain stores” has become the most widely used method at present, which has almost become a standard in the retail industry.

In this combination, not only wechat number and enterprise wechat can be used as containers and carriers of private traffic, but also the community undertakes this function. In terms of supply of traffic and continuous repurchase, the two cooperate with each other to help enterprises carry out fine and efficient operation. While small programs and live broadcast are conversion tools, with slightly different division of labor. Small programs are suitable for long tail, long-term conversion and repurchase, and live broadcast is suitable for short-term activities. Both of them have synchronous pull new fission potential energy, so the new users can feed back to the private domain flow pool and continue “battery life”.

At the same time, these user consumption data will be fed back to the SCRM system synchronously, and user data will be continuously accumulated and updated to form a super closed loop of private domain operation management.

Build a private domain flow pool through stores, and help enterprises complete the closed loop of private domain e-commerce with “store customers are diverted to online services and online fans are added back to stores” through live streaming e-commerce and community marketing. At the same time, this core thinking has scale effect, and one store can link ten stores with live streaming.

2) Live broadcast + community/mall/small program

The live broadcast will become an important tool to obtain traffic and promote the conversion of purchase. The audience of the live broadcast room and the customers who buy will be deposited into the community/mall/small program, and these plays will become important actions of private traffic operation. These actions will directly affect the effect of the next live broadcast.

For example, enterprises can through store promotion, shopping guide promotion and other ways for direct channel drainage, in the direct channel can push to customers wechat group TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, attract the attention of fans in direct channel, precipitation of private domain flow, usually through group, seckill and other community activities to promote activity and purchase transformation.

3) The three mainstream “live broadcast” mode

  • Mode 1: Live broadcast portal platform

Carriers such as Kuaishou, Douyin, Watermelon, Volcano, etc., short video mainstream live streaming platform. Use the self-generated traffic of KOL/KOC online celebrities on mainstream live streaming platforms to guide consumers to purchase through jingdong, Tmall, Suning and other e-commerce channels in the form of live streaming. It is necessary for brands to cooperate with effect promotion in e-commerce channels at the same time. Logistics and distribution also go through e-commerce channel platform channels. Or the host team can put the products on the live broadcast interface and guide consumers to the e-commerce page embedded in the platform (similar to the merchant purchase interface of Taobao store) to complete the purchase. However, the merchants themselves or on behalf of the operation service provider need to complete the logistics distribution, which is more similar to the sales mode of Taobao merchants.

  • Mode 2: Live broadcast of e-commerce platform

Carriers such as jingdong, Tmall, Suning and other e-commerce platforms built live plate. Invite KOL/web celebrity KOC, live or shall be the responsibility of the brand marketing colleagues, to the brand in electric business platform for flagship store, online shop studio and guide consumers in the form of live guides to complete the purchase, brand square in the air at the same time with shelves class promotion effect, finally complete follow-up logistics distribution through electric business platform.

  • Mode 3: Live broadcast through wechat mini program

Carrier such as self-built wechat mini program, relying on wechat ecology, combined with public account tweets, wechat groups, moments of friends, moments of friends and other advertising imported brand self-built wechat mini program, invite KOL/KOC network celebrities or colleagues in charge of live marketing of the brand, use the live function of small program to guide consumers to buy in the form of live shopping guide. The brand side often coordinates the promotion activities of the effect of putting on shelves in the mini program broadcast room. Consumers complete the transaction through the page constructed by the mini program, and finally the brand merchants themselves or on behalf of the operation service provider complete the logistics distribution.

Due to the epidemic, the brand marketing work from offline to online, it can be expected that in the second half of 2020, a large number of brand merchants under the pressure of growth, marketing budget will inevitably be released online channels, but also is bound to lead to the public domain traffic to acquire customers more expensive, based on the brand’s own private domain traffic pool resources is imperative.

4) Enterprise wechat + mini program + live broadcast + community

The four-piece private domain operation model of enterprise wechat + mini-program + live broadcast + community is closely related to the underlying logic of its value and function, and “scene” and “relationship”.

  • First, the trust built by the scene and the relationship: livestreaming enables some enterprises to appear in front of consumers in a way never seen before. We often say that transactions are based on “trust”. For example, when shopping in offline stores, merchants often say “MY store is here and I can’t run away”, which can stand up to the sense of trust established by online advertising. The livestream replaced the cold brand logo with a real person, with the subtext “We’ve met, you can trust me”. Therefore, the greatest value of this combination is to help companies and users build trust quickly.
  • Second, this combination of gameplay helps enterprises to achieve “wide” and “fast” : on wechat, a national social application, enterprises quickly build enterprise wechat groups around users, scanning two-dimensional code without any sense of fragmentation, which can be said to be a natural and convenient drainage tool. “First add wechat, wechat chat.” This makes private sector operations a winning hand in distinguishing between transactions and stickiness during the epidemic.

Therefore, in addition to the tools of “enterprise wechat + mini program”, the in-depth and refined operation brought by “live broadcast + community” is the most valuable part. If these tools are personified, the characteristics and logic of these tools will be found: enterprise wechat – customer online capitalization; Live – simulation of meeting; Community — the simulation of acquaintances; Applets – simulation of service roles. Each of these four tools simulates the process by which an enterprise builds customer relationships over time in various scenarios.

5) The combination of enterprise wechat + different people

Large commercial centers focus on private traffic and emphasize and strengthen online services. Among them, the enterprise wechat + different people set to create the gameplay began to appear. This gameplay can be summarized as follows:

A) Set up online personnel and launch corresponding customer service numbers by region

  • Ordinary people – shopping assistant: using private domain traffic, to provide customers with commodity/activity information, as well as convenient services. To meet consumers’ information/convenience needs for obtaining rich information and enjoying more affordable and convenient services. “Member group” can be established to help customers accumulate points in time and exchange prizes regularly. We can also release shenzhen Vientiane activity information marketing diversion through moments of friends, and quickly answer customers’ questions about shopping centers through private chat.
  • Senior personal-personal butler: provide instant service through private domain, become a part of customer’s life, provide personalized exclusive activities. To provide customers with exclusive VIP service experience, to fully meet customers’ life demands, and provide rich emotional care. For example, MixTIandi can establish luxury fashion brands to communicate with customers one-on-one and establish a friend-like relationship.

B) Customer refined operation

For vientiane world, one-to-one service capacity is weak. Public number, small procedures are lack of fine operations for customers. The first step of fine operation should be to add labels to customers. Mixtiandi should have its own CRM system to manage members. In fact, private domain users can also be connected to the system and managed together.

6) Wechat advertising drainage directly add enterprise wechat shopping guide

Public, private domain linkage, a typical play to get more public domain traffic is: through wechat advertising drainage, directly add enterprise wechat shopping guide. This combination relies on wechat advertising + enterprise wechat link to get through, support wechat advertising circle of friends, public advertising, small program advertising full flow position. With the help of 1.151 billion massive users, intelligent and efficient delivery technology and accurate and complete directional ability, advertisers can effectively precipitate users to the enterprise wechat, bring more temperature professional services to users, play to user value, achieve efficient business growth.

For example, consumers can push advertisements and service number content in moments of friends. They can enter the guide page in these two traffic channels and add the enterprise wechat of brand shopping guide. Brand shopping guide can interact and communicate with consumers through one-to-one private chat, enterprise wechat group building communication and circle of friends content planting under the familiar wechat scene.

The above three operating tools can be diverted to the brand official program mall, not only to achieve multi-round contact and transformation, but also to make the private domain transformation of the brand small program more warm.

In this process, users from wechat advertising traffic, precipitation to the brand’s private domain flow pool, and then through the brand official mall small program is transformed, and finally achieved from drainage to transformation of the commercial closed loop.

7) New method of community operation + private domain flow

The simple combination of community operation and private domain traffic is an effective way for enterprises to link public and private domains. For example, after experiencing the epidemic, all the front-line waiters and managers of Xibei switched to online service, conducted user portraits through the CRM system built by Xibei itself, and then classified users with different preferences and needs, thus establishing a number of wechat groups for ordering food, selling vegetables, and targeted operation and delivery.

It was these measures that gave Sibe a reprieve. Achieve daily revenue of 200W, can let the enterprise live a little longer. During the epidemic, Xibei put on one mask for customers who ordered food delivery at a time, prompting many users to make recommendations on wechat moments, Weibo and wechat groups. Such a way of operating makes the brand and private domain users closer. Xibei was blocked in the offline, quickly switched to online. However, the premise of moving online is to do data construction in advance, and find new development through online user operation, such as community operation.

On the basis of community and private domain, no matter choose live broadcast or small program, as long as it is according to its own product attributes, choose the fastest and most efficient combination of public and private domain, can resist the risk of enterprise death in this battle.

7. To summarize

From public domain to private domain is from flow to transformation, from encounter to often, from guest to master. The new world has come, the old road is blocked, the flow is dried up, from flow to transformation need to bridge again, “bridge” will be the most bovine B business model in the future! Why did station B catch fire? Why the rise of social e-commerce? Why is the live feed so awesome? Because they are building new Bridges! From the public domain to the private domain need a new bridge, from consumption to consumer investment need a new way through, this is the future of the new world, the most popular people win the world!

How to do that? There are two words to share with you: stay true to your original aspiration, and you will always succeed! To be a community of values and interests, only the integration of justice and interests can last!

Private domain flow is not suitable for every business, need to combine the category, scale, talent reserve and other factors to decide whether to carry out, its follow-up continuous operation also need enough capital investment to support. However, there is no doubt that private domain traffic is a valuable way of marketing operation, which can better help brands and businesses to form a connection with users, realize users’ fine operation and excavate users’ long-term value. In the future, with the continuous exploration and practice of all brands and manufacturers, the operation process of private domain traffic will be constantly improved, and the whole flow ecological environment will be healthier. All kinds of businesses will be able to truly focus on user value and realize the healthy development of closed-loop business in private domain.

References are made to yonyou Research Institute, Yonyou Developer Competition and YonBuider Development Center