A few years ago, the SDE (software development engineer) job search scenario looked like this:

Just post your resume to a few job boards and wait for HR to call you. Or, simply send out your resume to every major company in your field and expect a barrage of interviews.


Even if you upload your resume to seven job sites and apply for 100 positions that seem to match your qualifications, there’s a very high chance you won’t hear back.

Data show that the response rate of resumes sent to the sea is about 1%.

Candidate: “Why didn’t the resume I sent out work?

Why do resumes go unanswered?

Why do I add key skills in JD to my resume, but still not get an interview?

How do IT companies screen resumes? Is there a standard

How does HR screen resumes?

How do you need to write your resume to get an interview?

You’ve probably heard a lot about resume writing tips from the Internet, friends, and teachers.

To understand why your resume didn’t make it to the interview stage, you should first clarify the following questions:

  • You create your resume to get a good job. Not to make a good resume, okay?

  • The only measure of a good resume — getting an interview. If your resume isn’t going to get you an interview, there’s no point in stating your credentials.

  • The essence of resume screening is competition. It’s not like you’re taking an exam and you get points for getting the answer right!

  • There are only two reasons for not getting an interview: 1. The HR didn’t see it. 2. Employers see your resume but don’t like it.

Most of the reasons employers don’t look down on you are because your skills don’t meet the requirements of the company, so why can’t your resume be seen?

The reason is that the human resource industry is changing: to the direction of intelligent, automated and data-oriented development.

About 90 percent of large companies use ATS software. Because of the ATS system, the HR probably hasn’t even seen your application or resume. She may see only resumes that have been sifted through by a machine and deemed suitable for a particular job.

ATS is a candidate Tracking System that companies use to manage recruitment. The system is actually designed to help humans do the first filter. Resumes that don’t make the cut will go straight to the recycling bin. In short, the ATS can scan and parse resumes, extract the important information and score them based on keywords. At the end of the day, ATS will give you a percentage score based on your resume and the position you are applying for.

According to the data, ATS initially screened 75 percent of resumes based on companies’ recruitment needs. HR then whittled down the remaining 25 percent and recommended them to hiring managers. The hiring manager conducts a third screening and schedules interviews based on resume quality.

HR: “Why don’t the resumes you received match?”

At least 75% of resumes will be screened out, which is a frustrating move for HR.

Why is it a helpless move?

The primary purpose for enterprises to adopt ATS is to use system tools to eliminate unreliable junk resumes and improve the efficiency of HR screening. But the system is after all a cold program, it will not do thinking, only in accordance with the original preset standards to do screening.

The ATS logic has the advantage of being able to weed out unreliable resumes, but it also has bugs.

For example, how do you rank resumes with the same skills? Including a lot of keywords does not indicate the quality of your resume.

Case 1:

In A spring recruitment event, enterprise A received 20 resumes for Java engineers, all of which contained the same keyword skills. Can you say that a programmer’s resume with 10 Java keywords is better than a programmer’s resume with 2?

Obviously, you can’t. Because programmers who use Java keywords 10 times have changed jobs 10 times in just four years.

And in jobs that require complex skills, such algorithms that scan keywords are less effective.

Case 2:

Resume A: Project manager, managed three large Java development projects, tracked the development progress and managed the programmer team.

Resume B: Software engineer, engaged in large Java project development, communicate with project manager about development progress. If you’re looking for A Java programmer, resume A seems to be A better match based on keyword matching algorithms. Because of the emergence of Java, development, programmer and other related keywords. Resume B is the resume of a Java programmer.

So how to avoid such things, that is, to ensure that enterprises effectively screen unqualified resumes, but also missed the right talent?

For enterprises, the most afraid is to hire the wrong person, not only for the applicant and the enterprise is the loss of time, energy, the most serious problem is, because of the wrong recruitment, the enterprise missed the wind, missed the opportunity.

How can companies and candidates match effectively?

Unlike ATS, which uses resume keywords and qualifications to screen candidates, ShowMeBug’s online written exam is a more reliable technical assessment based on a written test of real code strength. This also rationalizes the selection criteria for talent.

Enterprise: Enterprises can use the ShowMeBug online written test to solve this problem. Enterprises first connect to the ATS through the ShowMeBug open interface. When the system receives the candidate’s resume, HR sets the written test questions according to the position applied, and sends the test links to the candidate through relevant contact information to answer the questions. After candidates submit their answers, the system realizes one-click automatic grading (HR can easily handle it without the intervention of technical interviewers), and outputs relevant written test reports and scores. HR will decide whether to arrange an interview after confirming the candidate’s written test score with the technical interviewer. Technical interviewers can also use byte-level playback technology to review the entire candidate’s response and make sure no details are missed.

Candidate side: you can carry out the written test anytime and anywhere in your familiar environment without interference from other personnel during the ShowMeBug. You can use the online real-time collaborative programming IDE, code completion provided by LSP cloud service and Emacs/Vim shortcut keys. Make programming as natural for candidates as it is for locals.

Elon Musk, silicon Valley’s “Iron Man”, said that even if you don’t have a college degree, it won’t stop you from working for Tesla when he was recruiting members for the company’s AI team. Musk doesn’t care about academic qualifications, but he won’t budge on one point: all candidates must pass a core coding test.

That’s the core of precision tech hiring: coding tests. This is also ShowMeBug advocates that “excellent technical personnel should spend time on technical polishing, so that every excellent enterprise through ShowMeBug find them”.

ShowMeBug’s two main features, online interviews and online written tests, are designed to enable companies to evaluate candidates’ technical skills quickly and efficiently online. The core of ShowMeBug is an excellent online IDE, intuitive and powerful multiplayer online code exchange environment, 0% code collision rate, latency below 50ms, while supporting online running code.

Not only does this make it easy for technical interviewers to use, but it also makes programming as natural for candidates during interviews as it is for candidates who don’t like to code interviews and write exams online.

Out of the box: www.showmebug.com/