CC 4.0 by-sa…

Preparations: Apply for a GitHub account and install the GitHub client.

Settings – >Version Control – >Git – >Path to Git executable – > select your pre-downloaded git.exe installation directory

2, Settings — Version Control — GitHub — click Create API Token, pop-up window (, Login: account, Password: Password)

After filling in, click OK to close the window, and then click Test to check whether the Test is successful

VCS — Import into Version Control — Create Git Repository

In the box, select the location of the project and click OK. The project files will turn red

4, upload the project to the local repository, right-click the project and choose Git–>add. At this time, the project file turns green

5. Right-click Git — Commit Directory, type Commit Message in the popup window, and click Commit

VCS–>Import into Version Control–>Share Project on GitHub VCS–>Import into Version Control–>Share Project on GitHub The user name and email address of GitHub will be entered in a pop-up window (the user name and email address that has been entered and remembered will not be entered again in the pop-up box). After the upload is successful, a prompt will be displayed in the lower right corner of IDEA


7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for subsequent code modifications or additions. At this time, the code has not been updated to GitHub

Right – the Git Repository – Push. Refresh the GitHub page again to see the updated code