The article was originally published onSZHSHP’s Third Border Institute 

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1. SublimeText SFTP Connect to Amazon EC2

Sublime Text 3 has been officially released, and ides have been changed across the platform.

Today I finally have some time to study how to use PEM to connect to EC2 Server

EC2 Server will provide you with a.pem key, but you cannot connect directly with this key alone

The solution is simple: change the.pem reference to.ppk

1.1. Implementation steps

  • Download and install PuTTY
  • Type of key to generate, select RSA
  • If you are using an older version of PuTTy, choose SSH-2 RSA
  • Click Load and select your.pem

1.2. The SFTP configuration


2. References

  1. Setting up Sublime SFTP with EC2 Ubuntu 13 ↩

  2. Connecting to Your Linux Instance from Windows Using PuTTY ↩