For study only, reproduced please indicate the source


It’s really inconvenient not to have completions when Sublime3 is writing HTML and JS. So how do you deal with that?

Install the SublimeCodeIntel plug-in

1, first, make sure Sublime3 is entered, press Ctrl+Shift+P to go to Package Management, type Install, select Package Contrl:Intall Package, press Enter

2. Secondly, input SublimeCode in the package installation interface, select SublimeCodeIntel, and press Enter

3. After the installation, the Package Control Messages file will be automatically opened

Configure The SublimeCodeIntel plug-in

4. Close the file Package Control Messages, turn off Sublime, and reopen it. Open the menu below (In English mode, Perferences->Package Settings-> Settings- Defalut), and open the SublimeCodeIntel configuration file.

5. In the SublimeCodeIntel configuration file, find the following section

 "JavaScript": {
            "codeintel_scan_extra_dir": []."codeintel_scan_exclude_dir": ["/build/"."/min/"]."codeintel_scan_files_in_project": false."codeintel_max_recursive_dir_depth": 2."codeintel_selected_catalogs": ["jQuery"]},Copy the code

Modified to

 "JavaScript": {
            "codeintel_scan_extra_dir": []."codeintel_scan_exclude_dir": ["/build/"."/min/"]."codeintel_scan_files_in_project": false."codeintel_max_recursive_dir_depth": 2."codeintel_selected_catalogs": ["javaScript"]},Copy the code

6, close the configuration file, restart Sublime, open the HTML file, enter the command in the script position, the corresponding prompt will appear (note: script must be saved first)