Sublime, as an excellent editor, is described as “short and piquant” by an article on Liang qichao in a middle school Chinese textbook. It’s short because it’s lightweight; It is “lean” because of its comprehensive plug-in capabilities that can be applied to any development environment. Using plug-ins, on the other hand, involves something called Package Control.

Package Control is a plug-in for managing plug-ins, allowing you to install and uninstall plug-ins quickly and easily.

But many of you will encounter a problem when using Package Control for the first time:

Package Control:There are no package available for installation.

(This picture is taken from CSDN blog of “Clear Maple Grass Pond”)

When we encounter problems, we usually find our own solutions. But the author tried all kinds of methods provided on the Internet, including the above clear maple grass pond

None of the methods in the article Sublime Text cannot use Package Control or Solutions to plug-in installation failures.

I learned another way to install a plugin for Sublime, which I’ll cover later.

Today I read an article on the Internet about installing Package Control,

Do you think you could manually install Package Control to replace the old one?

By address,

Download it from Github and unzip it to the plugin directory for replacement. It works! Big.

Here are the steps:

1. Download the Package Control installation Package on Github…

2. Open the directory where sublime stores plug-ins: On the Sublime menu bar >> Preferences >> Browse plug-ins

3. Find the downloaded file, unzip it, rename the folder to “Package Control” and copy it to the directory where Sublime stores the plugin.

4. Open Sublime and press CTRL + Shift +P to bring up the Admin window

5. Select Install Package, search for a plug-in, such as Markdow Preview, and press Enter

The installation will be complete in a few minutes.

At this point, it’s time to resolve the Package Control and install the plug-in using Package Control.