The original article is reprinted from liu Yue’s Technology blog

At the beginning of the 20th century, almost all airplanes were built with parallel wings. At that time, Howard Hughes, the famous American aviation tycoon, thought his planes were not fast enough. His assistant gently reminded him that if he went too fast, the pillars of the upper wing structure would likely break down and break. Howard angrily shouted to his aides, “Who says we need an upper wing structure? To hell with the upper wings and struts, we need lighter monoplanes!”

The result was the H1 monoplane, which embodied Howard’s genius as an aeronautical engineer: a breakthrough streamlined fuselage, retractable landing gear, lightweight, flat rivets and joints to reduce air resistance, and was dubbed the “Silver Bullet” for its sleek shape.

Similarly, if you’re working for a company and your supervisor taps you on the shoulder and asks you to install Pycharm on your computer, you can yell at him angrily, “Who said we need Pycharm? To hell with clunky ides, I only want lightweight Sublime Text 4!”

Yes, light and elegant, and not everyone likes to put on a helmet and armor. If you like to code like a pair of spring birds, high, low, and turning, Sublime Text 4 is for you.

Sublime Text 4 for Windows 11

First came to Win11 environment into Sublime does text 4 website download page:

Select the Windows installation package:

After the download is successful, double-click to install.

If Python3 has not been installed before, please go to: Python3.10 is installed and configured on different architectures (Intel x86/Apple m1 silicon) and different development platforms (Win10/Win11/Mac/Ubuntu).

Sublime Text 4 is a highly extensible editor, and all functionality can be extended using a plug-in called Package Control. To install, update, and manage the software, we need to install Package Control on Sublime Text 4.

Open Sublime Text 4 and go to menu -> Menu Tools -> Install Package Control to Install:

The installation process takes a few minutes. Once the installation is successful, a message is displayed indicating that:

You can activate the Install command line from the menu -> Install Package Control Option, or you can activate the Install command line by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P:

Enter Install, select Install Package, and press Enter to select.

In the Install search box, type: Chinese select ChineseLocalizations and enter to install the Chinese extension.

With this installed, our Sublime Text 4 now supports Chinese display.

The Python3 extension is then installed, and unlike Sublime Text 3 configuring Python3, Sublime Text 4 requires only one plug-in to run Python3, Anaconda

Ctrl+Shift+P to activate the command line install package type: Anaconda

Once installed, create a new

def mytest():  
    print("Hello Sublime Text 4 ! ")  
if __name__ == "__main__":  
Copy the code

Use the shortcut CTRL + B to run the code directly:

Hello Sublime Text 4 !  
[Finished in 152ms]
Copy the code

Very convenient, of course, because Anaconda’s syntax checks are relatively strict, there will be some “white box” prompts, We can use the preferences for Sublime Text 4 -> Package Settings- > Anaconda -> settings-user to open the configuration file and type:

Copy the code

After saving the Settings, there is no white box, and you can use Anaconda to auto-complete:

Python3 for Sublime Text 4 is much faster and more convenient than Python3 for Sublime Text 4, which only requires Chinese and Anaconda:

Of course, plug-ins can be installed and uninstalled.

Ctrl+Shift+P to activate the install command line Remove Package and select the plug-in you want to uninstall.

In addition to being configurable for installed software, Sublime Text 4 can also be individually modified by choosing Preferences -> Shortcut Settings:

            "keys": ["alt+l"],  
            "command": "toggle_setting",  
                    "setting": "line_numbers"  
Copy the code

We can use Alt + L shortcuts to control the line number display of Sublime Text 4.

If you like, we can also through the website to install Sublime does Text 4 Git extensions SublimeMerge:

This allows us to branch, submit, and push code in Sublime Text 4:

M1 Mac system with Sublime Text 4

Back to the Mac, choose Mac package:

Note, even if the Mac of M1 chip is not ARM64 version, also choose MacOS version, note that the successful download is not DMG extension installation package, but, which contains the software body, need to be decompressed.

Once unzipped, drag the software body directly into the application directory:

Then, also choose Menu -> Menu Tools -> Install Package Control to Install

After the installation is successful, the shortcut key to activate the Command line becomes Command+Shift+P

The shortcut for running code at the same time becomes Command + B

Modifying the configuration file is also changed to Preferences:

With this set up, we can Enjoy Sublime Text 4’s fast coding experience. Enjoy it!

Sublime Text 4 also adds interface rendering for GPU acceleration, which theoretically reduces input latency even further. There is no other editor on the market with lower input latency, faster response, less resource usage, and smooth silks. On the other hand, Pycharm/VSCode is very demanding on hardware, requiring good CPU/ memory support, and Sublime text 4 offline import configuration in an Intranet environment where there is no Internet. Import plug-in experience is better, direct configuration folder package to take the Intranet directly used, and VScode on the network is still relatively high, toss trouble.


Yes, your supervisor might say to you, “Everyone in your group is using Pycharm, why don’t you use it?” There is no doubt that people tend to live the way others expect them to live and lose themselves. Would you rather be a low-quality crowd pleaser or be alone and be yourself? Perhaps the better question to ask yourself is:

Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?

If you were born to be different, why fit in with the crowd?

The original article is reprinted from liu Yue’s Technology blog