Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

Following Stylus Learning and Using Stylus (PART 1), this paper summarizes the advanced usage of Stylus, including the remaining parameters, conditions, built-in methods, etc.

Stylus advanced usage

The remaining parameters

The remaining parameters

Stylus support name… Form the rest of the parameters. These arguments can digest the arguments passed to the mashup or function. This is useful when dealing with browser private attributes such as -moz or -webkit. In the following example, all the arguments (1px, 2px…) Are simply handled by a single args argument:

  -webkit-box-shadow args
  -moz-box-shadow args
  box-shadow args
  box-shadow 1px 2px 5px #eee
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#login {
  -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px #eee;
  -moz-box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px #eee;
  box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px #eee;
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To specify a specific parameter, such as x-offset, you can use args[0], or you may want to redefine blending.

box-shadow(offset-x, args...)
  got-offset-x offset-x
  -webkit-box-shadow offset-x args
  -moz-box-shadow offset-x args
  box-shadow offset-x args
  box-shadow 1px 2px 5px #eee
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#login {
  got-offset-x: 1px;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px #eee;
  -moz-box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px #eee;
  box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px #eee;
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Arguments variables allow exact passing of expressions, including commas, and so on. This could make up for args… Some shortcomings of parameters, examples:

  -webkit-box-shadow args
  -moz-box-shadow args
  box-shadow args
  box-shadow #ddd 1px 1px.#eee 2px 2px
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The result is not desired:

#login {
  -webkit-box-shadow: #ddd 1px 1px #eee 2px 2px;
  -moz-box-shadow: #ddd 1px 1px #eee 2px 2px;
    box-shadow: #ddd 1px 1px #eee 2px 2px;
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The comma is ignored. Now use Arguments to redefine the mixed writing.

  -webkit-box-shadow arguments
  -moz-box-shadow arguments
  box-shadow arguments
  box-shadow #ddd 1px 1px.#eee 2px 2px
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Get the desired result:

body {
  -webkit-box-shadow: #ddd 1px 1px.#eee 2px 2px;
  -moz-box-shadow: #ddd 1px 1px.#eee 2px 2px;
  box-shadow: #ddd 1px 1px.#eee 2px 2px;
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Conditions provide flow control for a language that is otherwise purely static. Conditions are provided for import, mixin, functions, and more.

if / else if / else

As in normal languages, the following block is executed when the if expression satisfies (true); otherwise, the following else if or else continues.

In the following example, according to the overload condition, decide whether to use padding or margin.

overload-padding = true

if overload-padding
  padding(y, x)
    margin y x

  padding 5px 10px
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Another example:

box(x, y, margin = false)
  padding y x
  if margin
    margin y x

  box(5px.10px, true)
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Additional box() helpers:

box(x, y, margin-only = false)
  if margin-only
    margin y x
    padding y x
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Unless (unless)

Anyone familiar with the Ruby programming language should know the unless condition, which is basically the opposite of if and is essentially (! (expr)).

In the following example, if disable-padding-override is undefined or false, the padding is eliminated and a margin is displayed instead. However, if true, the padding will continue to print the padding 5px 10px as expected.

disable-padding-override = true

unless disable-padding-override is defined and disable-padding-override
  padding(x, y)
    margin y x

  padding 5px 10px
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The suffix conditions

Stylus supports suffix conditions, which means that if and unless can be used as operators; The left-hand action object is executed when the right-hand expression is true. For example, we define Negative () to perform some basic checks. Here we use block conditions:

  unless n is a 'unit'
    error('Invalid value')
  if n < 0
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Next, we use the suffix condition to keep our method simple.

  error('Invalid value') unless n is a 'unit'
  return yes if n < 0
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Of course, we can go further. If n is less than 0, right? Boolean: n < 0. Postfix conditions apply to most single-line statements. For example, @import, @charset, mixed writing, etc. Of course, the following attributes are also available:

pad(types = margin padding, n = 5px)
  padding unit(n, px) if padding in types
  margin unit(n, px) if margin in types
  apply-mixins = true
  pad(padding.10) if apply-mixins
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The result is:

body {
  padding: 5px;
  margin: 5px;
body {
  margin: 5px;
body {
  padding: 10px;
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The iteration

The iteration

Stylus allows you to iterate over expressions through for/in in the following form:

for <val-name> [, <key-name>] in <expression>
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Such as:

  for num in 1 2 3
    foo num
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body {
  foo: 1;
  foo: 2;
  foo: 3;
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The following example demonstrates how to use


  fonts = Impact Arial sans-serif
  for font, i in fonts
    foo i font
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body {
  foo: 0 Impact;
  foo: 1 Arial;
  foo: 2 sans-serif;
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We can use loops for more power in mash-up, for example, we can use expression pairs as properties that use interpolation and loops. Next, we define apply(), using all arguments, so that comma-separated and expression lists are supported.

  props = arguments if length(arguments) > 1
  for prop in props
    {prop[0]} prop[1]

  apply(one 1, two 2, three 3)

  list = (one 1) (two 2) (three 3)
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Functions (Functions provides)

The Stylus function can also contain a for loop. Here is a simple example:


  sum = 0
  for n in nums
    sum += n

sum(1 2 3)                                    / / = > 6
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join(delim, args)
  buf = ' '
  for arg, index in args
    if index
      buf += delim + arg
      buf += arg

join(', ', foo bar baz)                     // => "foo, bar, baz"
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The suffix (Postfix)

Just as if/unless can take advantage of the following statement, so can for. Examples of suffix resolution are as follows:

  sum = 0
  sum += n for n in nums

join(delim, args)
  buf = ' '
  buf += i ? delim + arg : arg for arg, i in args
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We can also return from the loop, in this example, if n % 2 == 0 is true.

  return n if n % 2= =0 for n in nums

first-even(1 3 5 5 6 3 2)                           / / = > 6
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The import

Stylus supports literal @import CSS as well as dynamic imports of other Stylus styles.

Literally CSS

The file name of any.css extension as a literal. Such as:

@import "reset.css"
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Render as follows:

@import "reset.css"
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Stylus import

  • When using@importThere is no.cssExtension would be considered to beStylusFragments (e.g.@import "mixins/border-radius").
  • @importIt works as follows: traverses the directory queue and checks if the file is in any directory (similarnoderequire.paths). The queue defaults to a single path fromfilenameOf the optionsdirnameDerived from. So if your file name is/tmp/testing/stylus/main.styl, the import will appear as/tmp/testing/stylus/.
  • @importIndex form is also supported. That means when you@import blueprintIs understood to beblueprint.stylblueprint/index.styl.

The following statement:

@import 'mixins/vendor'
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Is equal to:

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@Media works just as in regular CSS, but uses the block symbol of Stylus.

@media print
    display none
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@media print {
  #header.#footer {
    display: none; }}Copy the code


@font-face works just as it does in CSS. Simply add a block property to the end, for example:

  font-family Geo
  font-style normal
  src url(fonts/geo_sans_light/GensansLight.ttf)
  font-family Geo
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@font-face {
  font-family: Geo;
  font-style: normal;
  src: url("fonts/geo_sans_light/GensansLight.ttf");
.ingeo {
  font-family: Geo;
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Stylus supports the @keyFrames rule, which converts to @-webkit-Keyframes when compiled:

@keyframes pulse
  background-color red
  opacity 1.0
  -webkit-transform scale(1.0) rotate(0deg)
  background-color red
  opacity 1.0
  -webkit-transform scale(1.0) rotate(0deg)
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@-webkit-keyframes pulse {
  0% {
  background-color: red;
  opacity: 1;
    -webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
  100% {
    background-color: red;
    opacity: 1;
    -webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg); }}Copy the code


Using @keyframes, via vendors variables, the private prefix (Webkit Moz Official) is automatically added. This means that changes can be made instantly and efficiently at any time. Consider the following example:

@keyframes foo {
  from {
    color: black
  to {
    color: white
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Amplify two default prefixes:

@-moz-keyframes foo {
  0% {
    color: # 000;
  100% {
    color: #fff; }}@-webkit-keyframes foo {
  0% {
    color: # 000;
  100% {
    color: #fff; }}@keyframes foo {
  0% {
    color: # 000;
  100% {
    color: #fff; }}Copy the code

If we just want to have standard parses, it’s simple, modify vendors:

vendors = official
@keyframes foo {
  from {
    color: black
  to {
    color: white
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@keyframes foo {
  0% {
    color: # 000;
  100% {
    color: #fff; }}Copy the code

Built-in methods


Returns the red specific gravity in color.

red(#c00)                                   / / = > 204
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Returns the green proportion in color.

green(#0c0)                                 / / = > 204
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Returns the blue specific gravity in color.

blue(#00c)                                  / / = > 204
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Returns the opacity proportion in color.

alpha(#fff)                                 / / = > 1
alpha(rgba(                      / / = > 0.3
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Check if color is dark.

dark(black)                                 // => true
dark(# 005716)                               // => true
dark(white)                                 // => false
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Check if color is bright.

light(black)                                // => false
light(white)                                // => true
light(#00FF40)                              // => true
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Returns the hue of the given color.

hue(hsla(50deg.100%.80%))                 // => 50deg
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Returns the saturation of the given color.

saturation(hsla(50deg.100%.80%))         / / = > 100%
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Returns the brightness of the given color.

lightness(hsla(50deg.100%.80%))          / / = > 80%
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Push (expr, args…).

Then push the given ARgs to expR.

nums = 1 2
push(nums, 3.4.5)

nums                                      // => 1 2 3 4 5
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An alias for the append ().

Unshift (expr, args…).

Insert the given ARGS into expR at the starting position.

nums = 4 5
unshift(nums, 3.2.1)

nums                                      // => 1 2 3 4 5
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An alias for the prepend ().


Returns the key in the given pairs.

pairs = (one 1) (two 2) (three 3)
keys(pairs)                               // => one two three
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Returns the value in the given pairs.

pairs = (one 1) (two 2) (three 3)
values(pairs)                            // => 1 2 3
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The node type is returned as a string.

type(12)                                  // => 'unit'
typeof(12)                                // => 'unit'
typeof(#fff)                              // => 'rgba'
type-of(#fff)                             // => 'rgba'
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The aliases can be typeof or type.

unit(unit[, type])

Return a string of type Unit or an empty string, or assign type without unit conversion.

unit(10)                                  / / = > '
unit(15in)                                // => 'in'
unit(15%.'px')                           // => 15px
unit(15%, px)                             // => 15px
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match(pattern, string)

Checks whether the string matches the given pattern.

match('^foo(bar)? ', foo)                  // => true
match('^foo(bar)? '.'foobar')             // => true
match('^foo(bar)? '.'bar')                // => false
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Return absolute value.

abs(-5px)                                 // => 5px
abs(5px)                                  // => 5px
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Round up.

ceil(5.5 in)                               // => 6in
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I’m going to round down.

floor(5.6 px.)                              // => 5px
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Round off.

round(5.5 px.)                              // => 6px
round(5.4 px.)                              // => 5px
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min(a, b)

Let’s take a smaller value.

min(1.5)                                 / / = > 1
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max(a, b)

Take the larger value.

max(1.5)                                 / / = > 5
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Returns whether it is even.

// => true
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Returns whether it is odd.

odd(5mm)                                // => true
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The sum.

sum(1 2 3)                              / / = > 6
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Take the average.

avg(1 2 3)                              / / = > 2
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The join (delim, vals…).

Given vals use the delim connection.

join(' '.1 2 3)                       // => "1 2 3"
join(', '.1 2 3)                       / / = > "1, 2, 3"
join(', ', foo bar baz)                // => "foo, bar, baz"
join(', ', foo, bar, baz)              // => "foo, bar, baz"
join(', '.1 2.3 4.5 6)              // => "1 2, 3 4, 5 6"
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hsla(color | h,s,l,a)

Convert the given color to an HSLA node, or h, S, L, A specific gravity value.

hslaa(10deg.50%.30%.0.5)            // => HSLA
hslaa(#ffcc00)                         // => HSLA
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hsla(color | h,s,l)

Convert the given color to the HSLA node, or h, S, L specific gravity values.

hsla(10.50.30)                      // => HSLA
hsla(#ffcc00)                         // => HSLA
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rgba(color | r,g,b,a)

Return RGBA from r, G, B,a channels, or provide color to adjust transparency.

rgba(                     / / = > rgba (255,0,0,0.5)
rgba(                       // => #ff0000
rgba(#ffcc00.0.5)                    / / rgba (255204,0,0.5)
In addition, the stylus supports the # rGBA and #rrggbbaa symbols.
#fc08                                 / / = > rgba (255204,0,0.5)
#ffcc00ee                             / / = > rgba (255204,0,0.9)
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rgb(color | r,g,b)

Return RGBA from r, G, or B channels or generate an RGBA node.

rgb(255.204.0)                        // => #ffcc00
rgb(#fff)                             // => #fff
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lighten(color, amount)

Given color brightening amount value. The method is unit sensitive, for example, to support percentages as follows:

lighten(#2c2c2c.30)                  / / = > # 787878
lighten(#2c2c2c.30%)                 / / = > # 393939
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darken(color, amount)

Given color darken amount value. The method is unit sensitive, for example, to support percentages as follows:

darken(#D62828.30)                   / / = > # 551010
darken(#D62828.30%)                  // => #961c1c
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desaturate(color, amount)

Decrease amount for a given color saturation.

desaturate(#f00.40%)                 // => #c33
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saturate(color, amount)

Given color saturation increase amount.

saturate(#c33.40%)                   // => #f00
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Color out of phase. The red, green and blue colors are reversed and the opacity remains the same.

invert(#d62828)                       // => #29d7d7
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unquote(str | ident)

Given STR quote removal, the Literal node is returned.

unquote("sans-serif")                 // => sans-serif
unquote(sans-serif)                   // => sans-serif
unquote('1px / 2px')                  // => 1px / 2px
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S (FMT,…).

The s() method is similar to unquote(), except that the latter returns a Literal node, whereas here it takes a formatted string, much like the C sprintf(). Currently, the unique identifier is %s.

s('bar()');                           // => bar()
s('bar(%s)'.'baz');                  // => bar("baz")
s('bar(%s)', baz);                    // => bar(baz)
s('bar(%s)'.15px);                   // => bar(15px)
s('rgba (% s, % s, % s, 0.5)'.255.100.50);   // => gba(255, 100, 50, 0.5)
s('bar(%Z)'.15px);                   // => bar(%Z)
s('bar(%s, %s)'.15px);               // => bar(15px, null)
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Detect the % string operator for consistency.

operate(op, left, right)

Performs the given op on the left and right operation objects.

op = '+'
operate(op, 15.5)                    / / = > 20
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The parenthesis expression acts as a tuple, and the length() method returns the length of the expression.

length((1 2 3 4))                    / / = > 4
length((1 2))                        / / = > 2
length((1))                          / / = > 1
length(())                           / / = > 0
length(1 2 3)                        / / = > 3
length(1)                            / / = > 1
length(a)                             / / = > 0
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Use the given error warning without exiting.

warn("oh noes!")
error(msg)                            MSG exits with the given error.
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add(a, b)

  unless a is a 'unit' and b is a 'unit'
    error('add() expects units')
  a + b
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Returns the last value of the given expr.

nums = 1 2 3
last(1 2 3)                           / / = > 3

list = (one 1) (two 2) (three 3)
last(list)                            // => (three 3)
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Check the given EXPR.

fonts = Arial, sans-serif
p((1 2 3))
add(a, b)
  a + b
// p(add)
inspect: "test"
inspect: 123
inspect: 1 2 3
inspect: Arial, sans-serif
inspect: #fff
inspect: rgba(
inspect: add(a, b)
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Returns the opposite of a given position.

opposite-position(right)                      // => left
opposite-position(top left)                   // => bottom right
opposite-position('top' 'left')               // => bottom right
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Returns the width and height of the specified path image. The way to find paths up is the same as @import.

  return image-size(img)[0]

  return image-size(img)[1]

image-size('tux.png')                         // => 405px 250px
image-size('tux.png')[0]= =width('tux.png')  // => true
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add-property(name, expr)

Add the attribute name to the nearest block domain using the given expR.

Such as:

  add-property('bar'.1 2 3)

  foo: something()
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body {
  bar: 1 2 3;
  foo: bar;
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Next comes the magic current-property local variable, which is automatically supplied to the function body and contains an expression for the current property name and value. For example, checking this local variable with p() yields:

p(current-property)                         // => "foo" (foo __CALL__ bar baz)
p(current-property[0])                      // => "foo"
p(current-property[1])                      // => foo __CALL__ bar baz
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Using current-property takes the example a step further, duplicating the property with a new value and ensuring that the condition of the functionality is only used in the property value.

  if current-property
    add-property(current-property[0], s('-webkit-something(%s)', n))
    add-property(current-property[0], s('-moz-something(%s)', n))
    s('something(%s)', n)
    error('something() must be used within a property')

body {
  foo: something(15px) bar;
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body {
  foo: -webkit-something(15px);
  foo: -moz-something(15px);
  foo: something(15px) bar;
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Undefined method

Undefined method a literal output. For example, we can call rgba-stop(50%, # FFF) in CSS and it will display as you expect. In this example we simply define the method stop(), which returns the literal rgba-stop() call.

stop(pos, rgba)
  rgba-stop(pos, rgba)

stop(50%, orange)                           // => rgba-stop(50%, #ffa500)
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