Hi, I’m Daotin, the front end team leader. If you want to learn more about the front end, follow me and unlock the new front end growth posture.

The following text:


Prevents events from bubbling and capturing.

Because events can be passed across all levels of nodes, whether bubbled or captured, sometimes we want events not to be passed after a particular node has executed, we can use the stopPropagation() method of event objects.


Block browser default behavior.

Browser default behavior: The browser has its default behavior for certain events.

Such as:

  • Click on the link to jump

  • Click the right mouse button to call out the browser right menu

  • When filling in the form, press Enter and it will be automatically submitted to the server

return false;

When you call it, it does three things:

  • Event.preventdefault () – It stops the browser’s default behavior.

  • Event.stoppropagation () – This prevents event propagation (or “bubbling”) to the DOM.

  • Stop the callback execution and return immediately.

For example, return false to prevent the a TAB’s default jump event, or preventDefault() instead.

Table comparison:

methods Event bubbling/capturing The default event
stopPropogation() Don’t bubble perform
preventDefault() The bubbling Does not perform
return false Don’t bubble Does not perform

Add: The difference between stopPropagation and stopImmediatePropagation

  • Common to prevent events from bubbling, the parent node cannot receive events.

  • Different stopPropagation does not affect the subsequent execution of the same events for that element, while stopdynamic Propagation prevents the subsequent execution of the same events for that element.



Copy the code

Bind a click event to p, a second click event to p, and a click event to div.

If stopPropagation is performed on the first click callback of p, the div click callback will not be executed, but the second click callback of P will be executed.

If in the first click event callback of P stopImmediatePropagation, the div click event callback is not executed, and neither is the second click event of P.

— End —

Hi, I am Daotin, front end team leader, focusing on sharing front end and cognition. I hope to share my front-end learning and working experience with you here and record my personal growth.

For more front-end highlights, follow me and unlock new front-end growth poses.