About me

  1. Front end counsellors, or more recently, front end unemployment counsellors.
  2. No ability, no education, no background, no front end.
  3. Work the fourth year, want to compete with a group of excellent people, and always race their own.
  4. In the future, I want to build we-media, and I want to write a book/column.

What did you do in the first half of the year

I haven’t worked at home during the pandemic, or in the two or three months since the layoff. I can count on one hand the number of things I’ve done. Do the math:

  1. I’m either looking for a job or pigeonOfferOn the way.
  2. I set up a “front-end talent pool” group to help peers find jobs together, and accumulated nearly 50 interviews.
  3. Wrote 7 blog posts:
    • Front-end Spirit Guy: React Hooks Responsive Layout
    • React-router V6 Features Interpretation and Migration Guide
    • Vue3 & React Hooks New UI Component Principles: Modal pop-ups
    • The interviewer asked about three handshakes, I threw out this brain map, and he snapped!
    • Copy notes: Yuxi talked about this in Vue3.0 Beta live…
    • How to promote collaboration when the current infrastructure task falls to you?
    • 4 years after 22 years before the Loser, and the men of his own race | front facet of the worst”
  4. The accumulated reading of blogs and public accounts has exceeded one million, and the identity of “front dispeller” has made up for the deficiency of some academic degrees/programs.
  5. Read five or six books/columns and learn systematicallyDevOps,WebGL,NginxAnd front-end engineering.
  6. Edge confused edge stroke cat, move sen played for a period of time, fitness ring weight loss failure.
  7. Interviewed nearly 40 enterprises, got seven or eightOfferAfter, hesitancy scruples to end interview long-distance running this month.
  8. Raise duoduo pig to 13 jin.

This time, I almost talked myself out of it

It has been nearly two months since my last interview. Many people (myself included) thought I was done interviewing and hired. However, it was not officially confirmed until this week. Want to say good things, but the fact is their own dishes, and even once the initiation of the impulse to change careers.

I probably represent the most typical of the front-end types: people who got into this business for the money, didn’t have much skill, and learned the front-end in a rush. Encountered bottleneck period in 3 years 5 years, not high, low. Even so, still stubborn want to break out of a day.

Convince yourself, or continue to be intransigent?

Want to convince yourself, not suitable for this line, coupled with this year’s market, just find a job to muddle through the past. But my inner pride won’t let me.

It was also found that most of the front ends would not be P7 unless they were particularly skilled or genuinely passionate about it. Go to any company is a copy of the experience.

Struggle 996, or quality 965

Once upon a time, I was also struggling, but also led a team to catch up on the project version. However, after the collapse of the project due to the epidemic, months of hard work in vain, and the experience of 996 meaningless lives lost in a factory, my mentality has changed. I quite agree with what two friends said:

  1. Peter: The life of getting off work at 6 o ‘clock and the life of getting off work at 9 o ‘clock seems to be only a few hours, accumulated over a long period of time, no matter life experience or creativity can be solved by thousands of dollars.
  2. @Wakawa: Maximize growth, achievement, and salary

When it’s worth it and you don’t have a side hustle, love it. Instead, love life.

Read a comparison:

996 for 25K or 965 for 18K?

Real cost performance, for reference?

The specific after-tax calculation in this paper may be changed, the calculated value is for reference only, do not go into details.

  • What does 996 bring to the table? Brought a rich salary, monthly salary 25K, deducting five insurance and one housing fund to get 17090.54, but every month has a provident fund of 5100.

  • What are the benefits of flexible working? With a monthly salary of 18K, I get 12,383.00 after deducting the five insurities and one housing fund. However, I have a provident fund of 4,320 each month, so how much less I have earned in a year compared with 25K (let’s count it as year-end bonus for two months) : 17090 * 14+5100 * 12-12383 * 14+4320 * 12 = 75258, that is to say, less than 100,000 yuan.

  • What did 996’s 25K take with it? Take away time, 12 hours a day, 126=72 hours a week, 472 = 288 hours a month, 288*12=3456 hours a year

  • What did 965’s 18K take with it? Take away time, 9 hours a day, 95=45 hours a week, 445 = 180 hours a month, 180*12=2160 hours a year

  • What’s the difference in time? 3456-2592 = 1296 hours = 54 days. That’s a terrible 54 days per year. What about the average salary of 75,258 RMB for 1,296 hours? 75258/1296=58.1. Do you see that? It’s 58.1 yuan.

  • Do not tell me the pension, social security is still a part of the poor, because long-term 996 people want to think more about the present, pension things, too early to say.

Ps: And 996 companies, many are workplace PUA…

Some of the articles/columns I read

When you lose your job, you are anxious to study every day. Here are some of them:

  • Front-end DSL Practice Guide (Part 1) – Internal DSL provides a different perspective on front-end frameworks/libraries.
  • How networks are Connected. Difficult. Suggested notes.
  • DevOps Field Notes. Fun, but with some foundation.
  • “Perspective HTTP protocol”, also good, value two brush.
  • Illustrated Google V8 is much better than the first Principles of The Browser, and some of it is worth a second brush.
  • Nginx core Knowledge 100 lectures, multidimensional development.
  • What’s so great about Vue3? React Hook.
  • Relearning Data Structures and Algorithms is short and concise, unlike other similar columns.
  • Webpack Principles and Practice, not much, but no nonsense.
  • “Follow the shadow of the moon to learn visualization”, hard to get started.
  • “Practical uses and Static methods of dot and cross product of vectors in Unity”, WebGL foundation
  • “Learn the overall architecture of Sentry source code, build their own front-end exception monitoring SDK”, rare Sentry source code parsing.

Vision for the Second Half

  1. Stay in the new company and hone your coding skills.
  2. WebGlandServerlessBe proficient in at least one.
  3. Continuous brushingLeetCodeAlgorithm.
  4. I hope I can use my influence to help (or dissuade) more people.
  5. Lead or participate in at least one open source project.
  6. Come up with a column/book theme and finish it.
  7. Accomplish weight loss.
  8. Keep Posting tech blogs, preferably a whole series.

If you don’t work hard at this time, you’ll be bottom hunted next year.

To avoid being picked over by companies and a dozen interviewers, come on, guys.

❤️ Read three things

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  1. Like, so that more people can see this content (collection does not like, is a rogue -_-)
  2. Follow the public account “front end persuader” to share original knowledge from time to time.
  3. Look at other articles as well

Personal wechat: HUAB119, or the public account message, I add you

You can also get all the posts from my GitHub blog:

Front-end persuasion guide: github.com/roger-hiro/… Let’s play. ~

The nuggets essay | 2020 years and I summarize the campaign is under way…