At the beginning

Learning ability, especially self-learning ability, when you see those famous program master on the forum to ask “learning XX should read what books, how to quickly learn XXX, learning XXX what code recommendation” and so on, they want to learn what quickly can find relevant information. The industry is growing so fast and technology is being phased out so fast that if you don’t learn something new in three years, you may be out of date.

Hands-on ability, are reading the book to see the data, while others are still struggling with what to read books, still struggling with the meaning of the words in the book, some people hundreds of lines of code have been able to run.

Patience and perseverance, programmer interest is important, write their own favorite code that is quite pleasant, but program development in any case there are a lot of boring things, to be able to persist, grit teeth to finish these.

Ability of expression, I can speak out my ideas logically and fluently in public, so that people can understand.

What about technology? Technology is not important, with the above several capabilities, the market needs what technology, quickly can master.

Finally, when it comes to salary, remember two things:

A salary is not a reward for your past contributions but an expectation of your future contributions.

Your current employer won’t give you what you want, the next one will.

First-line enterprise APP is multi-threaded and multi-process, and Android interprocess communication mechanism is Binder, native interthread communication is Handler, Binder and Handler is a knowledge point to understand Android operating mechanism must be mastered, but also first-line enterprise interview must ask knowledge point!

Binder interview questions:

  • What are the advantages of Binder? (Bytedance)
  • How does Binder make one copy? (tencent)
  • Explain the principle of MMAP; (tencent)
  • Why can’t IntEnts deliver big data? (ali)
  • Describe the details of the Java classes generated by AIDL; (Bytedance)
  • The communication mechanism at the bottom of the four components; (Bytedance)
  • Why can’t IntEnts deliver big data? (ali)
  • How do Binder mechanisms cross processes?
  • Binder mechanism principle

In order to let you better grasp the principle of Framework and Binder, today share a summary of Android Framework high frequency interview questions and BATJ Daniel notes Android Framework kernel analysis, You won’t believe you don’t know Framework and Binder.

Android Framework

1. The AMS, the PMS

  • AMS overview
  • The startup process of AMS
  • AMS starts with the process
  • The AMS family
  • PMS

2. Activity startup process, App startup process

  • The startup mode of the Activity
  • What is the Zygote process
  • Process for starting the Zygote process
  • Start the SystemServer process
  • Start the service

3. Binder mechanism (use of IPC, AIDL)

  • What is AIDL and how is it used
  • What’s the full name of AIDL? How does it work? What types of data can it handle?
  • Android IPC communication mode, thread (process) communication mechanism

4. Why Parcelable and what are its benefits?

  • Implementation mechanisms

5. Android image display related process, Vsync signal, etc

  • Android Vsync principle analysis
  • Double buffering
  • Triple buffer


Android architecture learning is a long and difficult road, can not rely on a passion, not to stay up for a few days and nights can learn, must develop the habit of studying hard at ordinary times. So: persistence!

Bytedance’s 2020 interview questions have also been compiled into a video and PDF (which took a lot more effort than expected), containing the knowledge and details. If you are proficient in the knowledge points listed in Tencent Documentation, you will greatly increase your chances of passing the first two rounds of technical interviews! These contents are for everyone’s reference and mutual learning.

Write this first, code word is not easy, write very one-sided bad place please point out, if feel have reference value of friends can also pay attention to me

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