Spring makes Java programming faster, easier, and safer. Spring’s focus on speed, simplicity, and productivity has made it the most popular Java framework in the world.

All of the tech giants like Alibaba, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and so on have contributed a lot to Spring, so Spring is often asked in the interview of large factories. Here I choose a few interview questions about pring source code, and see if you can answer them:

  • IOC source code main process
  • Bean interdependence injection problem
  • Why use Spring
  • Why Spring transactions don’t work at the Controller layer
  • How do I configure Spring in a Java-based configuration
  • Spring has several ways to inject beans

If you usually only know some CRUD, or you have not read the source code, the interview is definitely to stall!! Below, I share this Tencent technical experts handwritten Spring source notes, graphic combination, clear, I think all Java developers can and need to learn, a new version, exclusive first, need this Spring source notes old iron can be obtained at the end of the article!

No more bb, look at the directory

Due to space reasons, in order not to affect the reading of the entire table of contents and screenshots are shown here. Those who need this Spring source note can obtain it at the end of the article!




An overview,

Have a certain understanding of the Spring advanced framework, do a good job of preliminary preview, the subsequent study will be easier to understand and use.


Second, core ideas

Understand the core idea, around this idea to learn Spring source code becomes twice the result with half the effort. In fact, IOC and AOP are not spring’s ideas, but spring does a good job of implementing these two ideas at the technical level.


Three, handwritten IoC and AOP

Through the use of [bank transfer] case, analysis of the case in the code level of the problem, with the existing knowledge to solve these problems, the whole process with you step by step analysis and handwritten implementation of IoC and AOP, their own analysis is their own knowledge!



4. Spring IOC application

Basic to advanced, clear thinking, easy to understand, super fast



Five, Spring IOC source in-depth analysis

Learning source code is boring at the beginning, but for every developer, this is undoubtedly not the best and most important way to improve the training of code thinking, in-depth understanding of the framework.



Six, Spring AOP application

Understand these, for work efficiency has a significant improvement, a deeper understanding of the source code



Seven, Spring AOP source depth analysis

Layers of analysis, in-depth progressive, finally understand the source


How can I get this study note?

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