The first working day of 2019 has come to an end.

Take this to give you a light topic today, share a few OF my commonly used Vim plug-ins. I mentioned in a previous article that you can check out Vim’s introductory practices if you are interested. Linux series open pit remember (2)- God editor Vim


The first recommended is of course Vundle this plug-in management, before this Vim plug-in installation is very inconvenient, although the back of the successively have management, but compared to Vundle is not good enough.

Vundle has nearly 20K star on Github and is already the most popular Vim plug-in manager, which is highly recommended for all Vim users.


The second highly recommended plugin is YCM, which stands for YouCompleteMe. Everyone knows that the biggest drawback of an editor compared to an IDE is auto-completion and function jump, but with YCM, the gap with Vim editor and IDE can be greatly reduced. It is very convenient, of course, YCM installation is a little bit more difficult.

I’m not going to say much about it, but you know.

YCM also has 18K+ star on Github, which is followed by many Vim users and recommended by 5 stars.

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CTRLP. Vim this plug-in can be said that I use the most plug-in, because it supports fuzzy search query file name, only need CTRL + P can do input their own to jump part of the file name. CTRL + J/K to select the line and then confirm the jump, very convenient and fast, can be said to be home travel essential medicine.

Mom no longer need to worry about my own manual TAB to select specific directory files.

Github address of CTRLP


CTRLP is a fuzzy search plugin for files. NERDTree is a plugin for searching files. NERDTree is a plugin for searching files. Like the IDE, it gets the entire project tree, making it easy to switch. Just CTRL + E each time to bring up the sidebar, CTRL + W to switch between Windows.

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Ack is familiar to all of you. You can not only search for content under Linux, but also install it in Vim by plug-in.

I personally recommend using ag.vim, which is a much faster encapsulation of the_silver_searcher, but AG is no longer maintained, so it’s not recommended.

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Finally, the above several plug-ins in addition to YCM, can be installed through Vundle configuration

Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'               " requiredPlugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'                " file/directory treeePlugin 'kien/ctrlp.vim'                     " Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder
Copy the code

Open Vim and execute :PluginInstall. Today’s plug-in introduction is simply introduced here, like friends can continue to pay attention to.

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