The application of Query

The Session query function returns a Query object. The Query function can accept multiple argument types. This can be a class or a instrumented descriptor for a class.
For instance in session.query(User).order_by( print (, instance.fullname)Copy the code
Query also accepts orm-instrumented Descriptors as entries, returning tuples in the same order when multiple parameters are passed in
for name, fullname in session.query(, User.fullname):
	print(name, fullname)
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The tuples returned by Query are provided by the KeyedTuple class, whose members can be retrieved as instance variables in addition to being accessed with subscripts. The corresponding variable name is the same as that of the class variable being queried
for row in session.query(User,
...    print(row.User,
<User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', password='f8s7ccs')> ed
<User(name='wendy', fullname='Wendy Williams', password='foobar')> wendy
<User(name='mary', fullname='Mary Contrary', password='xxg527')> mary
<User(name='fred', fullname='Fred Flinstone', password='blah')> fred
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You can use label () to customize the name of the instance variable corresponding to the Descriptor

for row in session.query('name_label')).all():
...    print(row.name_label)
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For class parameters, aliased is required to achieve the same customization

>>> from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
>>> user_alias = aliased(User, name='user_alias')

SQL>>> for row in session.query(user_alias,
...    print(row.user_alias)
<User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', password='f8s7ccs')>
<User(name='wendy', fullname='Wendy Williams', password='foobar')>
<User(name='mary', fullname='Mary Contrary', password='xxg527')>
<User(name='fred', fullname='Fred Flinstone', password='blah')>
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OFFSET and LIMIT, which can be done with Python’s Array slice.
for u in session.query(User).order_by([1:3]
<User(name='wendy', fullname='Wendy Williams', password='foobar')>
<User(name='mary', fullname='Mary Contrary', password='xxg527')>
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The above procedure only involves fetching the whole, and does not filter the commonly used functions filter_by and filter. The latter is more flexible than the former, and you can use Python operators in the latter arguments.

for name in session.query('shawna'):
	print name
for name in sesssion.query('shawna'):
	print name
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Query objects are generative, which means you can call them in tandem

The relation between the concatenated filters is and.

for user in session.query(User).filter
	print user

<User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', password='f8s7ccs')>
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Common filter operator

Filter_by is available ?????

  • equals
query.filter( == 'ed')
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  • not equals
query.filter( ! = 'ed')Copy the code
  • LIKE
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  • IN
query.filter(['as','ed', 'jack']))

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  • NOT IN
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query.filter( == None)
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query.filter( ! = None) query.filter( the code
  • AND
query.filter( == 'shawna', User.fullname == 'Ed')

query.filter(and_( == 'ed', User.fulllname == 'jack'))

query.filter( == 'ed').filter(User.fullname == 'jack')
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  • OR
query.filter(or_( == 'ed', == 'sha'))
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Returns the list and single item (Scalar)

  • All () returns a list
>>> query = session.query(User).filter('%ed')).order_by(
SQL>>> query.all()
[<User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', password='f8s7ccs')>,
      <User(name='fred', fullname='Fred Flinstone', password='blah')>]
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  • First () returns at most one result, and it returns the result as a single item, not as a single element tuple.
>>> query.first()
<User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', password='f8s7ccs')>
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  • One () returns only one query result. An error is reported when the number of results is less than one or more.
>>> user =
Traceback (most recent call last):
MultipleResultsFound: Multiple rows were found for one()
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  • One_or_none () : As the name indicates, None is returned when the number of results is 0, with more than one error
  • Scalar () is similar to one(), but returns a single item instead of a tuple

Embedding with SQL

  • You can use SQL statements in Query via text(). Such as:

Write the string comparison directly to filter

>>> from sqlalchemy import text
>>> for user in session.query(User).\
...             filter(text("id<224")).\
...             order_by(text("id")).all():
...     print(
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  • The params() method is used to pass parameters

Params defines parameters that can be called from text

sesssion.query(User).filter(text("id<:value and name=:name")).params(value=224, name='shawna').order_by(

<User(name='fred', fullname='Fred Flinstone', password='blah')>
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  • Also, you can use the full SQL statement directly, but be careful to write the table names and columns correctly.
>>> session.query(User).from_statement(
...                     text("SELECT * FROM users where name=:name")).\
...                     params(name='ed').all()
[<User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', password='f8s7ccs')>]

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Query defines a handy count function, count()

>>> session.query(User).filter('%ed')).count()
SELECT count(*) AS count_1
FROM (SELECT AS users_id,
       AS users_name,
                users.fullname AS users_fullname,
                users.password AS users_password
FROM users
WHERE LIKE ?) AS anon_1
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  • from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import funcsession.query(func.count('*')).select_from(User).scalar()
SELECT count(?) AS count_1
FROM users
Copy the code

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