Several SQL statements that kill database connections. You should log in to the database with an administrator account and run it.

I don’t really understand it either. I basically copied it. Memo.

-- I don't know what it's for
select sysdate asThe current time, sys.login_userasDatabase user machineasLogin machine name, SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV'.'IP_ADDRESS') asThe login IP, the programasThe applicationfrom v$session

Find SQL statements with INSERT, TG_RADAR_LOST
select * from v$process WHERE addr in (select ADDRESS from v$sql where sql_text like '%TG_RADAR_LOST%' and sql_text like '%INSERT%');

Find joins that use the SDE tablespace
select saddr, sid, serial#, paddr, username, status, machine
  from v$session  
 where username is not null
 and username='SDE';

-- Find lock information
select * from v$locked_object;   

- kill!
alter system kill session '2317648, 48' immediate;  --SID,SERIAL 
Copy the code