Due to work reasons, I have recently studied the implementation principle of SpringCloud related micro-service components, and built each micro-service component on a single machine and a pseudo cluster. The SpringBoot version of this column is based on version 2.0.3, and SpringCloud version is Finchley version.

The official documentation for Finchley is as follows:

Cloud. Spring. IO/spring – clou…

A,What are Microservices?

The English name of Microservice is Microservice. The architecture mode of Microservice is to organize the whole Web application into a series of small Web services. These small Web services can be compiled and deployed independently and communicate with each other through their exposed API interfaces. They collaborate with each other, providing functionality to the user as a whole, but can be extended independently.

The functions or usage scenarios required by the microservices architecture

1. We divided the whole system into several subsystems according to the business.

2: Each subsystem can deploy multiple applications and use load balancing among these applications.

3: A service registry is required. All services are registered in the registry and load balancing is also done by registering in the registry