Introduction to the

Eureka is a service discovery framework developed by Netflix. As a REST-based service, Eureka is mainly used to locate middle-tier services running in AWS domains for load balancing and middle-tier service failover.

SpringCloud integrates it into its sub-project spring-Cloud-Netflix to implement SpringCloud’s service discovery capabilities.

The implementation process

CAP principle:Explanation of CAP principle

Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance cannot be achieved at the same time

  • Due to the unreliability of network communication, all P must be guaranteed.
  • C(consistency) requires that the data across our multiple servers be consistent, so we need to update the data
  • A(availability), which requires the server to return the result of A request as soon as it is received
  • Because the network is unreliable, C(consistency) is locked up during data updates, which contradicts A(availability) (no access during updates)

So in general it’s just CP and AP,

Zookeeper guarantees CP

If the master node loses contact due to a network fault, the remaining nodes select a leader node. The entire service is unavailable during the election of the Leader node

Eureka guarantees AP

Eureka nodes are equal. When a node loses contact, it automatically switches to the next node, but the information returned may not be the latest

There is a heartbeat mechanism in Eureka, that is, the service provider Server sends a heartbeat to Eureka every 30 seconds. If no heartbeat is received in 90 seconds, the Server is considered to be down and logged out. If more than 85% of the services are down, the network is faulty and the connection is maintained

Eureka registry for use

Import dependence

    <! -- -->
        <version>1.4.7. RELEASE</version>
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Writing configuration files there are several pieces of code in the EurekaClientConfigBean class

public static final String PREFIX = "eureka.client";
public static final String DEFAULT_URL = "http://localhost:8761" + DEFAULT_PREFIX;
public static final String DEFAULT_ZONE = "defaultZone";
private Map<String, String> serviceUrl = new HashMap<>();

		this.serviceUrl.put(DEFAULT_ZONE, DEFAULT_URL);

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So you can set dfaultZone in the configuration file

  port: 7001
    hostname: eureka1 #eureka server instance name
    register_with_eureka: false # If you want to register with the Eureka registry, false if you do not
    fetch-registry: false # indicates whether to obtain the registered service information from Eureka Server. False indicates that I am the registry. My role is to maintain the service instance and I do not need to retrieve the service
    # to http://eureka1:7001/eureka/ request service
      defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/
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Enable the Eureka function debug- @enableEurekaserver cannot be used

public class EurekaService7001 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {,args); }}Copy the code

The results

Eureka service registration

  1. Add the dependent

We need to add the dependency to the POM file of the previous provider

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  1. Add the eureka configuration
    Register with the registry
      defaultZone: http://eureka1:7001/eureka/
    instance-id: providerdept-80801 # Change the default display information
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  1. Add annotations
@EnableEurekaClient // Register with Eureka after startup
public class SApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {,args); }}Copy the code

The results

In a formal scenario we tend to have multiple registries and multiple services

Each registry registers itself with other registries

  port: 7001
    hostname: eureka1 #eureka server instance name
    register_with_eureka: false # If you want to register with the Eureka registry, false if you do not
    fetch-registry: false # indicates whether to obtain the registered service information from Eureka Server. False indicates that I am the registry. My role is to maintain the service instance and I do not need to retrieve the service
      defaultZone: http://eureka1:7003/eureka/,http://eureka2:7002/eureka/
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The service provider registers with each registry

      defaultZone: http://eureka1:7001/eureka/,http://eureka2:7002/eureka/,http://eureka3:7003/eureka/
    instance-id: providerdept-80801
info: appname-lin companyname-lin
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You need to open the hosts file on drive C, Windows, System32, drives, etc, etc. Add the configuration eureka1 eureka2 eureka3
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Obtaining service Information

When we click providerdept – 80801 jump to the corresponding port number under “http://xxx:xxx/actuator/info” which can show some relevant information service

Add the dependent

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Writing configuration files

      defaultZone: http://eureka1:7001/eureka/
    instance-id: providerdept-80801
Configure some information
info: appname-lin companyname-lin
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Running results:

We can also get it through DicoveryClient

    // Get specific microservice information
    DiscoveryClient client;
    // Get the registered microservice,
    public Object discovery(a){
        // List of microservices
        List<String> services = client.getServices();
        List<ServiceInstance> instances = client.getInstances("PROVIDER-NAME");
        // Specific microservices
        for (ServiceInstance instance : instances){
        return this.client;
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@EnableEurekaClient // Register with Eureka after startup
@EnableDiscoveryClient// Get service information
public class SApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {,args); }}Copy the code


The @enableeurekaserver annotation is not available

Import dependency error

Original dependence:

        <version>1.4.7. RELEASE</version>
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Correct dependency

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