Bean Treasure community project actual combat tutorial introduction

This project is equipped with a free video tutorial, the supporting code is completely open source. Build from scratch the most widely used Springboot+Vue front-end and back-end separation multi-user community project. This project is of moderate difficulty. For your convenience, each video tutorial will correspond to each submission on Github.

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The front end

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Video tutorial

Front-end technology stack

Vue Vuex Vue Router Axios Bulma Buefy Element Vditor DarkReader

Back-end technology stack

Spring Boot Mysql Mybatis MyBatis-Plus Spring Security JWT Lombok

Just look at the front end


The SRC \ API \ modify post. Js

export function getRecommendTopics(id) {
  return request({
    url: '/post/recommend'.method: 'get'.params: {
      topicId: id
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SRC \ views \ post \ new how vue

<template> <el-card class="" shadow="never"> <div slot="header"> <span class="has-text-weight-bold">🧐 </div> <div> <p v-for="(item,index) in recommend" :key="index" :title="item.title" class="block ellipsis is-ellipsis-1">  <router-link :to="{name:'post-detail',params: { id: }}"> <span v-if="index<9" class="tag"> 0{{ parseInt(index) + 1 }} </span> <span v-else class="tag"> {{ parseInt(index) + 1 }} </span> {{ item.title }} </router-link> </p> </div> </el-card> </template> <script> import { getRecommendTopics } from '@/api/post' export default { name: 'Recommend', props: { topicId: { type: String, default: null } }, data() { return { recommend: [] } }, created() { this.fetchRecommendTopics() }, methods: { fetchRecommendTopics() { getRecommendTopics(this.topicId).then(value => { const { data } = value this.recommend = data  }) } } } </script> <style scoped> </style>Copy the code

Modify the Detail. Vue


Take a look at the back end


/** * have a look **@param id
 * @return* /
public ApiResult getRecommend(@RequestParam("topicId") String id) {
    List<BmsPost> topics = postService.getRecommend(id);
    return ApiResult.success(topics);
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<select id="getRecommend" resultType="">SELECT,t.title FROM bms_post t WHERE ! = #{id} ORDER BY RAND(), t.`view` LIMIT 6</select>
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