You want to implement this feature

In the process of implementation found a problem, to obtain the file data is an array format

Let’s look at the code first

Label: file,
prop: “files”,
LoadText: ‘Attachment uploaded, please wait ‘,
type: ‘upload’,
span: 24,
drag: true,
propsHttp: {
res: ‘data’,
url: ‘link’
Tip: ‘File upload ‘,
action: ‘/api/sq-resource/oss/put-file’

We detected the format of the data uploaded through Google Chrome

{” cusname “:” bill “, “files” : [{” label “:”. The upload / 20200211/66 ddccee8b1be78d13f755a8a660dc27 docx “, “value” : “ 9000/zcnc/upload/20200211/66ddccee8b1be78d13f755a8a660dc27.docx”}]}

So how do we get back to Springboot

First we create an entity

Then create a list of the entities we need to accept

In this way, we request the foreground and the background can receive the uploaded data

This is the problem I encountered in the use, I hope to help you