An overview of

JDBC is introduced

Starting with this article, we will introduce another core SpringBoot technology, namely database access technology. When it comes to data access, Java students will immediately think of JDBC technology. JDBC is the full name of Java Database Connectivity, is used in the Java language to standardize the client program how to access the Database application program interface, provides such as query and update Database data in a set of standard API, this standard between different Database manufacturers common adherence, And provide their specific implementation. As shown in the figure:

The advantage of this design is that Java programs only need to interact with the JDBC API, thus shielding the complex implementation of accessing the database and greatly reducing the complexity of Java programs accessing the database. For daily development, we only need to master a few core programming objects in the JDBC API specification, including DriverManger, Connection, Statement, and ResultSet.


DriverManager is responsible for loading Driver packages provided by different database vendors and returning Connection objects to Java programs according to different requests.

public interface Driver {
    // Get the database connection
    Connection connect(String url, java.util.Properties info)
        throws SQLException;
    boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException;
    DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, java.util.Properties info)
                         throws SQLException;
    int getMajorVersion(a);
    int getMinorVersion(a);
    boolean jdbcCompliant(a);
    public Logger getParentLogger(a) throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
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The Driver has an important method, connect, that provides Connection objects

Different databases have specific implementations of Driver. Take MySql as an example:

public class Driver extends NonRegisteringDriver implements java.sql.Driver {
    // Register the Driver through DriverManager
    static {
        try {
            java.sql.DriverManager.registerDriver(new Driver());
        } catch (SQLException E) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't register driver!");
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DriverManager is used, which registers the drivers of different databases through registerDriver and provides getConnection to return database connection objects.


DriverManager can obtain the Connetion object, the Connection object can understand a database Connection (Session), a Connection object represents a database Connection, responsible for completing the communication with the database bottom layer.

Connection objects provide a set of overloaded methods for creating statements and preparedStatements, which are the vehicles for SQL execution, as well as transaction-related operations.

The core methods of a Connection object are as follows:

public interface Connection  extends Wrapper.AutoCloseable {
	/ / create the Statement
	Statement createStatement(a) throws SQLException;
	/ / create a PreparedStatement
	PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql) throws SQLException;
	/ / submit
	void commit(a) throws SQLException;
	/ / rollback
	void rollback(a) throws SQLException;
	// Close the connection
	void close(a) throws SQLException;
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Statement and PreparedStatement are created by Connection objects to execute static SQL statements and return generated result set objects. There are two types of Statement: plain Statement. Another PreparedStatement that supports precompilation.

The so-called precompilation means that the database compiler compiles SQL statements in advance, and then caches the precompiled results in the database. The next time you execute SQL statements, you can replace parameters and directly use the compiled statements, thus greatly improving the execution efficiency of SQL.

Take Statement as an example, and let’s take a look at the core methods of Statement:

public interface Statement extends Wrapper.AutoCloseable {
	// Execute the query statement
	ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException; 
	// Execute update statement
	int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException; 
	// Execute the SQL statement
	boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException; 
	// Perform batch processing
    int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException;
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Execute the SQL Statement in Statement or PreparedStatement. We generate another object, a ResultSet object, which looks like this:

public interface ResultSet extends Wrapper.AutoCloseable {
	// Get the next result
	boolean next(a) throws SQLException;
	// Get the result value of a certain type
	Value getXXX(int columnIndex) throws SQLException; ... }Copy the code

The ResultSet object provides a next() method that iterates through the entire ResultSet. If the next() method returns true, there is another record,

We can call a series of getXXX() methods on a ResultSet object to get the corresponding result value.

JDBC database access process

For developers, Java access to the database through JDBC API is the main way, the following code to show the overall process of accessing the database:

String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test" ;
String username = "root" ;
String password = "root" ;

//1. Obtain the connection from DriverManager
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,username,password);

/ / 2. Create a preparedStatement
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from user");

//3. Run SQL to return ResultSet
ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();

//4. Iterate through the resultSet
while ({

//5. Release resources
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Configuring a Data Source

When introducing JDBC, the Connection object is obtained through DriverManager. The Connection object represents the Connection to the database. Obtaining the Connection object through DriverManager takes time and affects the system performance. Is there a way to reuse Connection objects? Yes

JDBC provides us with DataSource interface to achieve Connection reuse, the core code is as follows:

public interface DataSource  extends CommonDataSource.Wrapper {
  Connection getConnection(a) throws SQLException;
  Connection getConnection(String username, String password)
    throws SQLException;
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As a basic component, there is no need for developers to implement DataSource themselves, as there are already many excellent implementations in the industry, such as DBCP, C3P0, Druid, Hikari, etc

The default HikariDataSource is HikariDataSource. The default HikariDataSource is HikariDataSource. The default HikariDataSource is hikaridasource. SpringBoot is very simple to configure a DataSource, just add the DataSource configuration to the configuration file:

  # datasource configures the datasource
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test? useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    username: root
    password: root
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Manipulate the database using JDBC

After DataSource configuration, we create a test database in the local database service, and execute the following DDL to create the user table

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'primary key',
  `username` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Username',
  `password` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'password',
  `create_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Creation time'.PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `idx_username` (`username`)
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Next we create an entity class with attributes that correspond to the fields in the User table

public class User {
    /** * primary key */
    private Integer id;
    /** * User name */
    private String username;
    /** * Password */
    private String password;
    /** * create time */
    private Date createTime;

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Note: Lombok’s @data annotation is used to generate get/set methods.

Let’s define a UserDao interface,

public interface UserDao {
    /** * new *@param user
     * @return* /
    Integer insert(User user);
    /** * query * by ID@param id
     * @return* /
    User selectById(Integer id);
    /** * Update by ID *@param user
     * @return* /
    Integer updateById(User user);
    /** * delete * based on ID@param id
     * @return* /
    Integer deleteById(Integer id);
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There are two reasons to pull out a UserDao layer here: First, UserDao only encapsulates the database operation of the USE table, and the code is easy to maintain and manage. Second, we can provide different implementations to access the database based on the UserDao interface. For example, we can provide implementation based on native JDBC, or we can use JDBCTemplate to achieve database access. You can also use Mybatis, etc

The following code shows how SpringBoot performs CRUD operations on the database through the JDBC API. UserRawJdbcDao implements the following methods:

The new data

    public Integer insert(User user) {
      	final String SQL_INSERT = "INSERT INTO user(username, password, create_time) VALUES(? ,? ,?) ";
        Connection connection = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Integer count = 0;
            connection = dataSource.getConnection();
            statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_INSERT, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
            statement.setTimestamp( Timestamp(user.getCreateTime().getTime()));
            count = statement.executeUpdate();
            rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
                user.setId(rs.getInt(1)); }}catch (SQLException e){
        }finally {
            try {
                if(rs ! =null){
                if(statement ! =null){
                if(connection ! =null){ connection.close(); }}catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return count;
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Query data

    public User selectById(Integer id) {
        final String SQL_SELECT_ID = "SELECT id,username,password,create_time FROM user WHERE id = ?";
        Connection connection = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        User user = null;
            connection = dataSource.getConnection();
            statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_SELECT_ID);
            statement.setInt(1, id);
            rs = statement.executeQuery();
                user = new User();
                user.setCreateTime(rs.getTimestamp("create_time")); }}catch (SQLException e){
        }finally {
            try {
                if(rs ! =null){
                if(statement ! =null){
                if(connection ! =null){ connection.close(); }}catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return user;
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Update the data

    public Integer updateById(User user) {
        final String SQL_UPDATE = "UPDATE user SET username = ? , password = ? WHERE id = ?";
        Connection connection = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Integer count = 0;

            connection = dataSource.getConnection();
            statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_UPDATE);
            count = statement.executeUpdate();
        }catch (SQLException e){
        }finally {
            try {
                if(rs ! =null){
                if(statement ! =null){
                if(connection ! =null){ connection.close(); }}catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return count;
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Delete the data

    public Integer deleteById(Integer id) {
        final String SQL_DELETE = "DELETE FROM user WHERE id = ?";
        Connection connection = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Integer count = 0;
            connection = dataSource.getConnection();
            statement = connection.prepareStatement(SQL_DELETE);
            count = statement.executeUpdate();
        }catch (SQLException e){
        }finally {
            try {
                if(rs ! =null){
                if(statement ! =null){
                if(connection ! =null){ connection.close(); }}catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return count;
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To this point, SpringBoot calls the native JDBC API to complete the CRUD operation of the user table, this code for code cleanliness students simply can not bear, there are a lot of common code, such as creating a Connection, Statement, ResultSet, resource release and exception processing. This part of encapsulation and optimization has already been dealt with by SpringBoot, which provides the JdbcTemplate template utility class for data access, which simplifies the use of the JDBC API.

Manipulate the database using the JdbcTemplate

With UserRawJdbcDao, we define another set of implementation classes for UserDao named UserJdbcDao. This set of implementation classes complete operations on the database through JdbcTemplate. The method to complete interface definition is as follows:

The new data

public Integer insert(User user){
    // Create a KeyHolder object and set the returned primary key ID
    KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder();
    int count = jdbcTemplate.update(INSERT_PREPARED_STATEMENT_CREATOR_FACTORY.newPreparedStatementCreator(
    // Set the ID primary key to the entity
    if(keyHolder.getKey() ! =null) {
    // Returns the number of affected rows
    return count;
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Query data

    public User selectById(Integer id){
        User result = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT id, username, password, create_time FROM user WHERE id=?".new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(User.class), id);
        return result;
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Update the data

    public Integer updateById(User user) {
        return jdbcTemplate.update("UPDATE user SET username = ? , password = ? WHERE id = ?",
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Delete the data

    public Integer deleteById(Integer id){
        return jdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM user WHERE id = ?", id);
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By contrast, we found that the use of JdbcTemplate template tool class can greatly reduce JDBC access to the database code complexity, as a developer we should only care about the specific implementation process of business logic, the creation of JDBC underlying objects, the release of resources, the capture of exceptions, should be given to the framework unified maintenance and management.

Although JdbcTemplate reduces the amount of code we need to access the database, it also has some problems. For example, when new data is added, it cannot return the id of the generated primary key by default. The SQL is hardcoded into Java code, and the Java code needs to be recompiled if the SQL is changed, which is not good for system maintenance. In this case, we need another framework, which is the famous Mybatis. In the next article, I will show how SpringBoot integrates Mybatis.

Program source code…

One last word

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In addition, pay attention to the public number: black lighthouse, focus on Java back-end technology sharing, covering Spring, Spring the Boot, SpringCloud, Docker, Kubernetes middleware technology, etc.