Introduction to the

I have always wanted to read Spring source code, but I used to be unable to read because of my lack of ability. After learning and training from October 2020 to March 2021, I initially have the ability of source code

Read more code, write more code, feel is essential, now gradually have leisure time in the work, Spring is often used in the work, so I opened the Spring part of the source code reading analysis

This series of source code reading, mainly want to put their own reading source ideas and process, record and display

I’m sure there will be some mistakes, but as we get deeper, we’ll get better at it

The Denver nuggets

Spring Web

  • A primer on Spring Web requests
  • Spring source code parsing – SpringWeb request mapping parsing
  • Spring source code parsing – SpringWeb request mapping Map initialization
  • Spring source code parsing – SpringWeb request parameter retrieval parsing

Refer to the link

  • Geek Time: handlerMappings