Development language: Java, ios, Android

Deployment platforms: Linux and Windows

JDK version: JDK1.7 or later

Development tools: Eclipse, IDEA, etc

Server middleware: Tomcat 6, 7, Jboss 7, WebLogic 10, WebSphere 8

Framework support: SpringMVC, Mybatis, Shiro, restful, Redis, SSO single sign-on

General management: User management, role management, permission management, dynamic menu, data dictionary management, organization management, region management, log management, log monitoring, code generation tool.

1. User management: Users are system operators. This function is used to configure system users.

2. Organization management: configure the organizational structure of the system (company, department, group), tree structure display, can be adjusted at will.

3. Regional management: system of urban regional models, such as maintenance of countries, provinces, cities, districts and counties.

4. Menu management: configure system menus, operation permissions, button permissions, etc.

5. Role management: Role menu permission assignment and role setting Data scope permission division by organization.

6. Dictionary management: Maintain some fixed data frequently used in the system, such as whether, male and female, category, level, etc.

7. Operation logs: Record and query normal operation logs of the system. Record and query system exception information.

8. Connection pool monitoring: Monitor the current system database connection pool status, and analyze SQL to find out system performance bottlenecks.

  1. Code generation tools: Driver is development mode, reduce development effort by 80%.

Technical selection:

1, the back end

Service framework: Rest service, Cache: Redis Load balancing: Nginx, database connection pool: Alibaba Druid 1.0 Core framework: Spring Framework, Security framework: Apache Shiro 1.2 View framework: Spring MVC 4.0, server-side validation: Hibernate Validator 5.1Copy the code

Persistence layer framework: MyBatis 3.2, log management: SLF4J 1.7, Log4j

Tools: Apache Commons, Jackson 2.2, Xstream 1.4, Dozer 5.3, POICopy the code

2, the front end,

Javascript framework: JQuery 1.9, CSS framework: Bootstrap 4 Client Validation Plugin, rich text: CKEcitor file management: CKFinder, dynamic TAB: Jerichotab Data table: JqGrid, dialog box: jQuery jBox, tree structure control: jQuery zTreeCopy the code

Function screenshots:

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