This is the 18th day of my participation in the August Genwen Challenge.More challenges in August


Usually in the use of springBoot, often use @service, @compent and other annotations, simplifying our development process, improve the development efficiency. So how do you write a note yourself? Here is an introduction.

Write a note

There are two main parts to creating an annotation, one is to create an annotation class, the other is to create a facet class.

Creating an annotation class

public @interface MyAnn {
    String value(a) default "d";
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The keyword for creating the annotation class is @interface. This annotation class sets a value variable. The default value is D;

There are also @target and @Retention annotations on top of the annotation class. Here are some of the annotations needed to create an annotation class:


To mark where this annotation can be used, with the ElementType enumeration class. What’s inside that enumeration class?

public enum ElementType {
    /** class, interface (including annotation type) or enumeration declaration */

    /** Field declarations (including enumeration constants) */

    /** method declaration */

    /** Formal arguments (parameters - arguments passed when a method is called) declare */

    /** The constructor declares */

    /** Local variable declaration */

    /** Annotation type declaration */

    /** package declaration */

    /** * Type parameter declaration * New in Java8: *@since1.8 * /

    /** * Any type declaration * New java8 feature: *@since1.8 * /
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This annotation represents the life cycle of a custom annotation

public enum RetentionPolicy {
    /** * comments will be discarded by the compiler. * /

    /** * comments are recorded in class files by the compiler * but need not be retained by the VM at run time. This is the default */

    /** * comments are recorded by the compiler in a class file and * are retained by the VM at run time, so they can be read reflectively. * /

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Write a facet class

Because of the aspect, we will import the Spring AOP dependency package first.

<! SpringBoot project import AOP-->
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Create the section class

public class MyAnnAop {
    private Logger logger= LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyAnnAop.class);
    public void ann(a){}@Before("ann()")
    public void before(JoinPoint joinPoint){"Print: Before we start");
    @AfterReturning(value = "ann()",returning = "res")
    public Object dochange(JoinPoint joinPoint,Object res){"AfterReturning Notification starts - Get data :{}",res);
        // Get data
        Map<String,String> map= (Map<String, String>) res;
        // Add a new value
        map.put("s1"."I'm adding a new value in AOP.");
        returnmap; }}Copy the code

Spring AOP specification

See Spring AOP for more information

annotations instructions
@Before Pre-notification, called before join point methods
@Around Surround notification, which overrides the old method but allows you to call the old method through reflection
@After Post-notification, called after join point methods
@AfterReturning Return notification, called after the join point method executes and returns normally, requiring that the join point method executes without exception
@AfterThrowing Exception notification, called when the join point method is abnormal

Use custom annotations

Here we use normal SpringBoot to use annotations, create a Service, use annotations in it, and then control the layer invocation

/ / service layer
public class TestService {
    public Map test(a){
        Map<String,String>  map=new HashMap<>();
        map.put("t1"."I set the value in Service.");
        returnmap; }}/ / control layer
public class Test2 {
    private Logger logger= LoggerFactory.getLogger(Test2.class);

    private TestService testService;

    public String test(String id){
        Map<String,String> s=testService.test();"Control layer output: {}",s.get("s1"));
        return "sccess"; }}Copy the code

The output

Com. Example. Demo. Aop. MyAnnAop: AfterReturning notification start - to get the data: {t1 = I am in the Service setting value} com. Example. Demo. Web. Test2: Control-layer output: I'm adding new values in AOPCopy the code

Matters needing attention

Using annotations that way is fine, but using them this way would break AOP

public class Test2 {
    private Logger logger= LoggerFactory.getLogger(Test2.class);

    private TestService testService;

    public String test(String id){
        Map<String,String> s=this.test2();"Control layer output: {}",s.get("s1"));
        return "sccess";

    public Map test2(a){
        Map<String,String>  map=new HashMap<>();
        map.put("t1"."I set the value in the control layer.");
        returnmap; }}Copy the code

The output

Com. Example. Demo. Web. Test2: control layer output: nullCopy the code

This is supposed to be an internal method call, which calls concrete methods rather than the proxy methods generated with AOP

Specific reference materials:

  • Zhewuzhou. Making. IO / 2018/09/01 /…