The main differences between Spring Cloud, Spring Cloud Alibaba and Dubbo are shown in the following table:

Core components Spring Cloud Spring Cloud Alibaba Dubbo
Service Registry Eureka nacos zookeeper/nacos
Call way Rest API Rest API RPC
The service gateway Zuul gateway There is no
The circuit breaker Hystrix Sentinel imperfect
Distributed configuration Spring Cloud Config naco There is no
Distributed tracking system Sleuth Sleuth There is no
The message bus Bus Bus RocketMQ There is no
The data flow Stream Stream There is no
The batch task Task Task There is no
Message-oriented middleware There is no RecketMQ There is no
Distributed transaction solutions There is no Seata Seata
Distributed Scheduling Service There is no Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX There is no
SMS platform There is no Alibaba Cloud SMS There is no

About Dubbo with Spring Cloud difference, can refer to the blog:… Spring Cloud Alibaba is an extended replacement of some components in Spring Cloud that have ceased to be maintained. At present, because Eureka, Zuul and Hystrix are no longer open source, Spring Open Source Foundation cannot obtain their authorization for free, so it stops updating and maintaining. Alibaba launches Nacos, Gateway and Sentinel to replace them respectively, and adds Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX, Seata, Alibaba Cloud SMS and other components, with richer functions.